In article Quantum computational finance: Monte Carlo pricing of financial derivatives the authors said that:
While a practical quantum computer has yet to become a reality, we can exhibit the speedup of our quantum algorithm for options pricing numerically, and compare its performance with the classical Monte Carlo method.
However, to showcase the quadratic speed up, we here perform phase estimation by using a single qubit rotated according to $\mathrm{e}^{i\theta\sigma_x /2}$, where $\theta$ is the predetermined phase.
If my understanding is correct, it is possible to simulate efficiently a circuit consisting only of Clifford gates. Since an inverse QFT is employed in the circuit, at least one $\mathrm{T}$ should be use here (QFT for three or more qubits). However, in the second quotation the authors claim that they used only a single qubit gate for phase estimation which reduced number of qubits in the inverse QFT and avoided the use of non-Clifford gates.
So my questions is: Have the authors used Clifford gates only in their construction or am I missing something? So far, I have thought that simulation of quantum computer cannot bring any speedup even in case only Clifford gates are employed.