I have difficulties calculating with partial traces in terms of quantum operations.
For me it is not clear how to derive the equality stated in the question title for a quantum mechanical system whose state space is the tensor product $H_A \otimes H_B$ of Hilbert spaces with a mixed state described by the density matrix $\rho_{AB}$, partial traced out density matrices $\rho_A, \rho_B$ and $\lvert \phi^+ \rangle$ is a bell state :
$$ \mathrm{tr}_A \left[\rho_A \lvert \phi^+ \rangle_{AB} \langle \phi^+ \rvert\right] = \rho_B^T $$
I tried to apply the (to my knowledge) calculation rules $\rho_A = \mathrm{tr}_B\left[\rho_{AB}\right]$ and $\rho_{AB} = \rho_A \otimes \rho_B$. Together with $\lvert \phi^+ \rangle_{AB} \langle \phi^+ \rvert = \rho_{AB}$ I can come up with some transformations which lead up to points where I do not know how to continue, e.g.
$$ \mathrm{tr}_A \left[\rho_A \lvert \phi^+ \rangle_{AB} \langle \phi^+ \rvert\right] = \mathrm{tr}_A \left[\rho_A \, \rho_{AB} \right] = \mathrm{tr}_A \left[\mathrm{tr}_B \left[\rho_{AB}\right]\, \rho_{AB} \right] = \, \dots $$
Especially I do not know how to introduce $\rho_B$ at a given point. Thank you for pointing me towards the correct transformations and your help!