$$Tr(\rho^{AB} (\sigma^A \otimes I/d)) = Tr(\rho^A \sigma^A)$$
I came across the above, but I'm not sure how it's true. I figured they first partial traced out the B subsystem, and then trace A, but I don't see how you are allowed to partial trace out B from both the factors in the arguments. A proof or any intuition on this would be appreciated.
Edit 1:
The notation
$\rho^{AB}$ is a state in Hilbert space $H_A \otimes H_B$
$\sigma^A$ is a state in Hilbert space $H_A$
$\rho^A$ is $\rho^{AB}$ with $B$ subsystem traced out.
$I/d$ is the maximally mixed state in Hilbert space $B$.
I saw this being used in Nielsen and Chuang, section 11.3.4, in the proof of subadditivity of entropy.
Edit 2:
So, I tried to write an answer based on DaftWullie's comment and Алексей Уваров's answer, but I am stuck again.
So, $$\rho^{AB} = \sum_{mnop} \rho_{mnop} |mo\rangle \langle np|$$
Then $$\rho^{A} = \sum_{mno} \rho_{mnoo} |m\rangle \langle n|$$
Let $$\sigma^A = \sum_{ij} \sigma_{ij} |i\rangle \langle j|$$
And $$I/d = \sum_{xy} [I/d]_{xy} |x\rangle \langle y|$$
$$Tr(\rho^A \sigma^A)\\ = Tr(\sum_{mno} \rho_{mnoo} |m\rangle \langle n|\sum_{ij} \sigma_{ij} |i\rangle \langle j|)\\ = Tr(\sum_{mnoj} \rho_{mnoo} \sigma_{nj} | m \rangle \langle j|)\\ = \sum_{mno} \rho_{mnoo} \sigma_{nm}$$
$$Tr(\rho^{AB} (\sigma^A \otimes I/d)\\ = Tr(\sum_{mnop} \rho_{mnop} |mo\rangle \langle np| \sum_{ijxy} \sigma_{ij} [I/d]_{xy} |ix\rangle \langle jy|)\\ = Tr(\sum_{mnoxjy}\rho_{mnox} \sigma_{nj} [I/d]_{xy} | mo \rangle \langle jy |)\\ = \sum_{mnyx} \rho_{nm}[I/d]_{xy}\\ = (1/d)\sum_{mny} \rho_{mnyy} \sigma_{nm}$$
Which is the same as the RHS, but there's an extra $1/d$ factor?
Also, am I thinking about this the wrong way? Is there a simpler way to look at this?