I'm trying to represent Rxx gate as a set of physical rotations of two qubits in 3D space (or as rotations of Bloch Spheres that is the same). In some simple cases it works well:
If q0 is in the state |+⟩ then q1 rotates counterclock-wise, and for |-⟩ it's clockwise. But let's look at a more complicated case when we start from the next state:
and the angles are the same as in the first example but Qiskit shows the arrows shorter. It looks like q1 rotates p/2 and then additionally ±p/4 with a random sign of the angle:
- Why Qiskit shows the arrows shorter? Is it a bug or a feature (partially entangled states)?
- What is the second rotation of q1? The sign can't be completely random because an additional Rxx(-pi/2) gate will return the system to its original state. So, what is the dependency?
I need Rxx gate to implement CNOT as a set of physical rotations with a correct "Phase Kickback".