No symbolic computation software with quantum circuits built in
The asker has clarified in this comment that they want a symbolic computation software in which the user does not "have to manually define circuits in terms of matrix multiplications", and the question says that the software cannot "force you to encode the matrix of each gate explicitly". This unfortunately does not exist.
In all symbolic computation software, one will have to encode the matrix of each gate (X,Y,Z,CNOT,H,etc.) and use tensor products (i.e. Kronecker products) and matrix multiplications to get the effect of the unitary operation of a quantum circuit; or find some add-on where someone else did exactly that and made it available to others. Luckily, it is not hard to define the gates manually, and to do matrix multiplications, in any symbolic computation software.
Quantum add-ons for popular symbolic computation software
The most popular long-standing symbolic computation packages which are still actively being developed are:
- Mathematica,
- Sage,
- SymPy,
- Maple,
- MATLAB's Symbolic Computation Toolbox,
- Maxima,
- Magma, and
- Scilab
There's others too, which people are welcome to suggest I add, but seriously anything other than the first five are not really "popular" in the circles that I know.
Since none of the above symbolic computation software has quantum circuit functionality built in to the extent where the user does not have to define the gates or explicitly involve matrix multiplications commands *natively *without relying on a third-party add-on where someone else did exactly the same thing, the asker says again in the same comment as above:
"any software for symbolic computation having dedicated features/facilities for quantum computing is accepted."
I will therefore point out that of that list of 8 major symbolic computation software packages, the one with the largest volume of quantum add-ons is Mathematica (also by far the most popular and highly developed package out of all of the above, for symbolic computation):
Quantum add-ons for Mathematica
Therefore "Quantum Mathematica" and "QDENSITY" are your best options with Mathematica, and unfortunately these will require a Mathematica license, which will be very expensive if you don't have a discount or free access through (for example) a university.
Quantum add-ons for Maple
Although Maple has declined in popularity in recent years, they also do support Dirac notation as seen here and here, but there's nothing that can do entire quantum circuits as far as I know.
My recommendation if you don't have access to Mathematica:
Just use SymPy or Sage (both open-source and Python based) and define the gates (X,Y,Z,CNOT,H,etc.) manually and do the matrix multiplications, since this will just take a couple hours. You can also read the above papers on how it was done in Mathematica, to give you ideas on how to efficiently save time in doing it with SymPy or Sage (i.e. how to make it so that you don't have to repeat the identity matrix so many times, for example).