
I am trying to build the Grover circuit using the IBM Quantum Composer circuit composer. The Grover example has a CZ gate. I can't find that gate in circuit composer.


2 Answers 2


There is no Controlled-Z in the circuit composer by default because this gate can be built from CNOT ($CX$) and Hadamard gate $H$. This is because we have the identity $$ Z = HXH$$ This implies that $CZ$ can be constructed as:

enter image description here

Now, in the qiskit composer, there is a button + Add that allows you to add this gate operation as a pre-defined gate and you can named it as CZ gate.

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ This is very helpful, thank you. The only downside I see is that the icon for the gate I add does not show the connection to the other qubit, only a box on line for one qubit. The cz gate for the Grover example shows a connection to both qubits.I am not sure how they did that. Are you allowed to design your own icons? $\endgroup$
    – Pete
    Commented Feb 5, 2021 at 20:52

Not sure how it was in 2021, currently (Oct 2022) the way to create a CZ gate in the IBM Quantum Composer is:

  1. Add a Z gate
  2. Edit it
  3. Add control
  4. You can change the control and target qubit from the menu.

how to create a CZ gate


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