Suppose we have a $3$-qubit system at time $t_0$ in the state $$\vert{\psi(t_0)}\rangle= \vert{q_0}\rangle \otimes \vert{q_1} \rangle \otimes \vert{q_2}\rangle. $$ We want to check if, for instance, the first qubit at time $t_1$ is equals to itself at time $t_0$:
$$\vert{\psi(t_1)} \rangle = \vert{q_0} \rangle \otimes \vert{\phi} \rangle, $$ where $\vert{\phi} \rangle$ is the state of the qubits $q_1, q_2$ after the operations.
My first attempt is to calculate the reduced density matrix using the partial trace over the two other qubits, to get the reduced density matrix at $t_0$ and $t_1$:
$$\rho^0(t_0) = \operatorname{Tr}_{12}(\rho(t_0)),\\ \rho^0(t_1) = \operatorname{Tr}_{12}(\rho(t_1)).$$ So my question is: is there an equivalence relation between the equality of the reduced matrices and the two subsystems being in the same state?
$$\rho^0(t_0) = \rho^0(t_1) \Leftrightarrow \vert{q_0}\rangle = \text{the state of the subsystem at }t_1 $$