Let us consider Pauli YY coupling gate of the following form
$$ YY_\phi= \left(\begin{matrix} \cos(\phi) & 0 & 0 & i \sin(\phi) \\ 0 & \cos(\phi) & -i \sin(\phi) & 0 \\ 0 & -i \sin(\phi) & \cos(\phi) & 0 \\ i \sin(\phi) & 0 & 0 & \cos(\phi) \end{matrix}\right) $$
I want to use this gate but I struggle rewriting it as product of unitaries representing the basic universal quantum gates ($Rz(\phi)$, CNOT, $H$ and $\frac{\pi}{8}$ gate).
A textbook by Nielsen & Chuang provides some gate identities allowing to write them (page 185, (4.32)-(4.39)) but YY is not listed.
I tried to match this form using by trial and error but there was always at least one sign that was wrong.
Could someone give some hints how to factor it out into usable gates or maybe provide a reference with circuit which implements this gate?