
(Copied from https://github.com/quantumlib/Stim/issues/708)

[In stim], is there any way to directly generate the samples starting from a tableau and not a circuit? I understand that the standard way is to compile the sampler starting from the circuit

import stim
c = stim.Circuit('''
    X 2
    M 0 1 2
s = c.compile_sampler()

but I was wondering whether the CompiledMeasurementSampler it produces could be directly initialized from a tableu, and maybe the qubits one wants to measure.


1 Answer 1


You can convert the tableau into a circuit, and then sample the circuit.

tableau = ...

sampling_circuit = tableau.to_circuit()
sampling_circuit.append("M", range(c.num_qubits))
sampler = sampling_circuit.compiler_sampler()

samples = sampler.sample(shots=256)

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