You can frame this question as follows: define an estimator which gives an estimate for the expectation value you seek for each possible measurement outcome. We are assuming to be measuring in the eigenbasis of the operator, therefore a natural choice of estimator is
$$\hat o(b) = \langle b|O|b\rangle=\lambda_b,$$
where the observable's eigendecomposition reads $O=\sum_b\lambda_b |b\rangle\!\langle b|$.
Note that this does what you want because on average $\hat o$ is exactly $\operatorname{tr}(O\rho)$, when the input state is $\rho$. More precisely you see this observing that
$$\mathbb{E}[\hat o|\rho] = \sum_b \langle b|\rho|b\rangle \hat o(b)= \operatorname{tr}(O\rho).
To figure out the additive errors obtained with a given number of measurements, the standard approach is to compute the variance of this estimator, which directly translates into the mean squared error (MSE) for unbiased estimators.
The variance reads
$$\mathbb{E}[\hat o^2]-\mathbb{E}[\hat o]^2
= \sum_b \langle b|\rho|b\rangle \hat o(b)^2-\operatorname{tr}(O\rho)^2
= \langle O^2\rangle_\rho - \langle O\rangle_\rho^2 \equiv \sigma^2_O.$$
In other words, for this simple choice of measurement and estimator, the variance is precisely the "intrinsic variance" of the observable (note that this is not the case for the estimators you obtain for more general POVMs; you can see e.g. and references therein for how the analysis is performed in those instances).
Once you have the variance, it's only a matter of figuring out which bound you can apply to get your estimates. A standard approach is to compute a lower bound on the number of measurements required to obtain an additive error lower than $\epsilon$ with "high probability" (ie probability higher than $1-\delta$).
A standard approach is to use Chebyshev's inequality, which tells you that
$$\operatorname{Prob}(|\overline o_N-\mathbb{E}[\hat o]|\ge \epsilon) \le \frac{\sigma_O^2}{N \epsilon^2}.$$
Or in other words, this tells you that to have $\operatorname{Prob}(|\overline o_N-\mathbb{E}[\hat o]|\ge\epsilon)\le\delta$ you need
$$N \ge \frac{\sigma_O^2}{\epsilon^2\delta}.$$
Another approach is to use bounds that exploit the sub-Gaussian nature of the kinds of distributions you usually get. In other words, these are bounds that work when the distribution does not have "heavy tails", i.e. "large oscillations". For example, using Hoeffding's inequality, denoting with $\overline o_N$ the standard mean of the estimates obtained from $N$ measurement rounds, $\overline o_N\equiv \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=1}^N \hat o(b_k)$, you have
$$\operatorname{Prob}(|\overline o_N-\mathbb{E}[\hat o]|\ge \epsilon)
\le 2\exp\left(-\frac{2N \epsilon^2}{(\lambda_M-\lambda_m)^2}\right)
\le 2\exp\left(-\frac{N \epsilon^2}{\Delta_O^2}\right),$$
where $\lambda_m,\lambda_M$ are lower and higher eigenvalues of $O$, and we used the notation $\Delta_O\equiv |\lambda_M-\lambda_m|$. Note that $\Delta_O\le 2\|O\|_\infty$.
This bound ensures that you have
$\operatorname{Prob}(|\overline o_N-\operatorname{tr}(O\rho)|>\epsilon) < \delta,$
in words, the error probability is larger than (some small) $\epsilon$ with (some small) probability $\delta$, if the number $N$ of measurements satisfies
$$N \ge \frac{\Delta_O^2}{\epsilon^2}\log(2/\delta).$$
Note how this bound doesn't involve the variance, but rather how large the range of possible values of the estimator is, and that you get a better scaling with respect to the error probability $\delta$.
Both this and the other inequality can be used, which one is more useful depends on the context. If for example you know that the variance is very small compared to the range (eg you know the measured state is close to an eigenstate) then Chebyshev's might give you better estimates for the required $N$. You can also use more sophisticated bounds of "Hoeffding type" that involve the variance, e.g. Bernstein's.
For a nice more thorough overview of some of these ideas see e.g. PRXQuantum.2.010201, and in particular Section 2C.