Since qiskit.opflow
has been deprecated, the way I used to generate a UCC ansatz was to use (Parameter('t') * Pauli('some Pauli')).exp_i()
. Now this is not possible, and I am unsure how to exponential my SparsePauliOp
. If I have a parameterized SparsePauliOp
such as SparsePauliOp(['XZ', 'YZ'], coeffs=[ParameterExpression(1.0*a), ParameterExpression(1.0*b)])
for some a, b = Parameter('a'), Parameter('b')
, how do I exponentiate this to get exp(-i(XZ*a + YZ * b))
which I could then Trotterize to decompose into gates?
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1 Answer
Take a look at PauliEvolutionGate. The UCC from Qiskit Nature in based on Qiskit's EvolvedOperatorAnsatz which in turn is built using PauliEvolutionGate.
There is also a migration guide done as opflow
was deprecated, which has a section on evolution.