A quantum circuit is just a model for representing computations and evolution of a closed quantum system with time.
For running a quantum circuit on a real quantum device, we first need to transpile it to a version that a specific quantum device can implement. The actions a quantum computer can perform are being determined by its properties - like native gates (what gates the device can physically perform?), qubits connectivity (how are the qubits physically connected among themselves?), etc.
After transpiling, how the real quantum operations are being applied in the quantum device? There's a classical computer that controls various physical devices manipulating the qubits. The actual implementation varies between different technologies and devices - A quantum computer based on superconducting qubits works differently from an ion-trapped based quantum computer.
But the principle is similar everywhere - Qubits essentially are 2-level quantum system, and can be implemented using any 2-level quantum system. For simplicty, and generally speaking - let's think of an electron and its spin as a qubit - There are 2 basis states (spin up, spin down) which can represent $|0\rangle$ and $|1\rangle$ - while any normalized superposition of spin up and spin down is possible. We can manipulate the spin by, generally speaking, inducing magnetic fields upon the electron. Then you can think of the each native gate as a specific setting of a magnetic field - an $X$ gate is implemented by that magnetic field, an $RZ$ gate is implemented by another specific setting, and so on.. As aforementioned, the method to manipulate qubits varies between the different types of devices, while in many cases qubits are being manipulated by some kind of electromagnetic raditation - RF waves, microwaves, etc.
The quantum information being processed is encoded within the quantum statevector of the system, and we get to see just a fraction of it upon measurements of the qubits (the measurement operation works a bit different from the method of applying gates, but it is essentially also a physical operation controlled by a classical computer). The results of the measurements are being translated to binary strings and a classical computer takes it from there.