The following error occurs when executing the code to measure the dephasing time(T2). I would appreciate it if someone could give me a solution to this problem. Among the two functions below, widthoutDelay() performs normally, and the function withDelay() fails with the attached error.
Additionally, where can I find an example code to measure the time-dependent dephasing of the qubit? Some of the sample codes are from a few years ago, so there are a lot of contents that have been depreciated.
--------------------------- Execution Code in jupyter --------------------------- from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute,IBMQ from import job_monitor from qiskit import transpile import numpy pi = numpy.pi IBMQ.load_account() provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q') backend = provider.get_backend('ibm_nairobi') q = QuantumRegister(1,'q') c = ClassicalRegister(1,'c') def withoutDelay(): circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c) circuit.h(q[0]) circuit.h(q[0]) circuit.measure(q[0],c[0]) #Measuring the qubit nShots = 8192 job = execute(circuit, backend, shots=nShots) job_monitor(job) counts = job.result().get_counts() print("No delay: ",counts) def withDelay(): circuit = QuantumCircuit(q,c) circuit.h(q[0]) circuit.delay(283, unit="us") # Delay of 200.79 microseconds circuit.h(q[0]) circuit.measure(q[0],c[0]) #Measuring the qubit transpiled_circ = transpile(circuit, backend, scheduling_method='alap') nShots = 8192 job = execute(transpiled_circ, backend, shots=nShots) job_monitor(job) counts = job.result().get_counts() print("With delay: ",counts) withoutDelay() withDelay()
--------------------------- Error Message --------------------------- Job Status: job has successfully run No delay: {'0': 8111, '1': 81} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TranspilerError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [19], in () 49 print("With delay: ",counts) 51 withoutDelay() ---> 52 withDelay() Input In [19], in withDelay() 40 transpiled_circ = transpile(circuit, backend, scheduling_method='alap') 42 nShots = 8192 ---> 44 job = execute(transpiled_circ, backend, shots=nShots) 45 job_monitor(job) 47 counts = job.result().get_counts() File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/, in execute(experiments, backend, basis_gates, coupling_map, backend_properties, initial_layout, seed_transpiler, optimization_level, pass_manager, qobj_id, qobj_header, shots, memory, max_credits, seed_simulator, default_qubit_los, default_meas_los, qubit_lo_range, meas_lo_range, schedule_los, meas_level, meas_return, memory_slots, memory_slot_size, rep_time, rep_delay, parameter_binds, schedule_circuit, inst_map, meas_map, scheduling_method, init_qubits, **run_config) 296 experiments = 297 else: 298 # transpiling the circuits using given transpile options --> 299 experiments = transpile( 300 experiments, 301 basis_gates=basis_gates, 302 coupling_map=coupling_map, 303 backend_properties=backend_properties, 304 initial_layout=initial_layout, 305 seed_transpiler=seed_transpiler, 306 optimization_level=optimization_level, 307 backend=backend, 308 ) 310 if schedule_circuit: 311 experiments = schedule( 312 circuits=experiments, 313 backend=backend, (...) 316 method=scheduling_method, 317 ) File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/compiler/, in transpile(circuits, backend, basis_gates, inst_map, coupling_map, backend_properties, initial_layout, layout_method, routing_method, translation_method, scheduling_method, instruction_durations, dt, approximation_degree, timing_constraints, seed_transpiler, optimization_level, callback, output_name, unitary_synthesis_method, unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, target) 338 for circuit, unique_args in zip(circuits, unique_transpile_args): 339 transpile_config, pass_manager = _combine_args(shared_args, unique_args) 340 output_circuits.append( --> 341 _serial_transpile_circuit( 342 circuit, 343 pass_manager, 344 transpile_config["callback"], 345 transpile_config["output_name"], 346 transpile_config["backend_num_qubits"], 347 transpile_config["faulty_qubits_map"], 348 transpile_config["pass_manager_config"].backend_properties, 349 ) 350 ) 351 circuits = output_circuits 352 end_time = time() File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/compiler/, in _serial_transpile_circuit(circuit, pass_manager, callback, output_name, num_qubits, faulty_qubits_map, backend_prop) 425 def _serial_transpile_circuit( 426 circuit, 427 pass_manager, (...) 432 backend_prop=None, 433 ): --> 434 result =, callback=callback, output_name=output_name) 435 if faulty_qubits_map: 436 return _remap_circuit_faulty_backend( 437 result, 438 num_qubits, 439 backend_prop, 440 faulty_qubits_map, 441 ) File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in, circuits, output_name, callback) 500 def run( 501 self, 502 circuits: Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit]], 503 output_name: str = None, 504 callback: Callable = None, 505 ) -> Union[QuantumCircuit, List[QuantumCircuit]]: 506 self._update_passmanager() --> 507 return super().run(circuits, output_name, callback) File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in, circuits, output_name, callback) 222 return circuits 223 if isinstance(circuits, QuantumCircuit): --> 224 return self._run_single_circuit(circuits, output_name, callback) 225 if len(circuits) == 1: 226 return self._run_single_circuit(circuits[0], output_name, callback) File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in PassManager._run_single_circuit(self, circuit, output_name, callback) 267 """Run all the passes on a ``circuit``. 268 269 Args: (...) 276 The transformed circuit. 277 """ 278 running_passmanager = self._create_running_passmanager() --> 279 result =, output_name=output_name, callback=callback) 280 self.property_set = running_passmanager.property_set 281 return result File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in***failed resolving arguments***) 122 for passset in self.working_list: 123 for pass_ in passset: --> 124 dag = self._do_pass(pass_, dag, passset.options) 126 circuit = dag_to_circuit(dag) 127 if output_name: File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in RunningPassManager._do_pass(self, pass_, dag, options) 165 # Run the pass itself, if not already run 166 if pass_ not in self.valid_passes: --> 167 dag = self._run_this_pass(pass_, dag) 169 # update the valid_passes property 170 self._update_valid_passes(pass_) File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/, in RunningPassManager._run_this_pass(self, pass_, dag) 218 elif pass_.is_analysis_pass: 219 # Measure time if we have a callback or logging set 220 start_time = time() --> 221 222 end_time = time() 223 run_time = end_time - start_time File ~/anaconda3/envs/qiskit/lib/python3.10/site-packages/qiskit/transpiler/passes/scheduling/alignments/, in, dag) 170 """Run rescheduler. 171 172 This pass should perform rescheduling to satisfy: (...) 202 TranspilerError: If circuit is not scheduled. 203 """ 205 if "node_start_time" not in self.property_set: --> 206 raise TranspilerError( 207 f"The input circuit {} is not scheduled. Call one of scheduling passes " 208 f"before running the {self.__class__.__name__} pass." 209 ) 211 node_start_time = self.property_set["node_start_time"] 213 for node in dag.topological_op_nodes(): TranspilerError: 'The input circuit None is not scheduled. Call one of scheduling passes before running the ConstrainedReschedule pass.'