Alice sends a 0 in computational basis I understand that theres a $\frac12$ probability that eve guesses the basis wrong, and can go with Hadamard. So it's $\frac12$ chance Eve will pick computational and $\frac12$ chance of Hadamard.
Now if Eve measured wrong and went with Hadamard, and Bob computational, however Bob got it wrong and got a $|1\rangle$ instead of $|0\rangle$, which is a $\frac12$ probability,
Theres a $\frac14$ probability Alice and bob will detect Eve's intrusion if they verify that bit.
This is all clear to me, however. Tampering is where I get confused. Detecting Eve tampered with a qubit is $\frac14$, and depending on the qubits $n$, Eve will go undetected with the probability $\left(\frac34\right)^n$
The question is (keep in mind there is an intruder), say Alice sent $20$ qubits to Bob, and only $10$ qubits Bob chose the correct basis, the rest are discarded. Alice and Bob then compare the results between the two to detect Eve, is the probability of detecting Eve $1-\left(\frac34\right)^{10}$ or just $\left(\frac34\right)^{10}$?