
I've successfully used IBM Q Experience for quite a while now. But the interface seems to have changed. After I run a simulation on my quantum circuit, I go to Results but I don't see the answer in the form of a histogram like I used to. Where is it?


1 Answer 1


With out seeing what you see, I can't say much. How many qubits were you using? If you use ibmq_16_melbourne and measure all the qubit then you don't expect to see the histogram plot, and you shouldn't since there are $2^{15} = 32768$ eigenbasis.... I believe in those cases, you can download the generated cvs file.

However, to see if the histogram plot still shows up on small enough problem (something of 5 qubit or less) I ran a quick test on my account on using the following circuit:

enter image description here

and when I go to my Result tab on IBMQ Experience, I clicked on the result for this run and still see the histogram plot:

enter image description here


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