I am reading the following paper: Discrete-time quantum walk on complex networks
for community detection by Kanae Mukai
We define the Coin operator $C$ by: $C=C_1\otimes C_2....C_n$ , We define coin operator for Node $i, C_i:H_i\to H_i$ is given by:
$C_i^F|i\to j_1\rangle|i\to j_2\rangle.......|i\to j_k\rangle=(|i\to j_1\rangle|i\to j_2\rangle.......|i \to j_k\rangle)1/\sqrt(k_i) \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & ... & 1\\ 1 & e^{\iota\theta/k_i} & e^{2\iota\theta/k_i} & ... & e^{(k_i-1)\iota\theta/k_i}\\ 1 & e^{2\iota\theta/k_i} & e^{4\iota\theta/k_i} & ... & e^{2(k_i-1)\iota\theta/k_i}\\ . & . & . & . & .\\. & . & . & . & .\\. & . & . & . & .\\ 1 & e^{(k_i-1)\iota\theta/k_i} & e^{2(k_i-1)\iota\theta/k_i} & ... & e^{(k_i-1)(k_i-1)\iota\theta/k_i}\end{pmatrix}$
Here $k_i$ is the degree of $i^{th}$ node and $\theta=2\pi$. The author called this coin as Fourier Coin. And this $i\to j$ implies that Node $i$ is going to hope to adjacent Node $j$.
Now, What is going on with this equation?