I have a following state (indexing everything from 0 here)
$$ | \psi \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( | \uparrow_0 \downarrow_1 \rangle - | \downarrow_0 \uparrow_1 \rangle \right) $$
and I need to be able to rewrite it in Qiskit notation in a computational basis.
I know, that Qiskit orders the spin-orbitals with all spin-up first and spin-down afterwards, e.g. when we have 2 molecular orbitals, it looks like
- [0]: $\uparrow$ MO0
- [1]: $\uparrow$ MO1
- [2]: $\downarrow$ MO0
- [3]: $\downarrow$ MO1
with qubit position given by an index in square brackets.
So, how can I approach the conversion to qubits? My idea is, that I can rewrite it in a way, where $| 0 \rangle$ will be an unoccupied spin-orbital and $|1\rangle$ an occupied orbital, i.e. the one present in $|\psi\rangle$ expression.
Thus, I'd approach it like this: $$| \psi \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( |1001\rangle - |0110\rangle \right)$$
Is it the correct approach (and result :)?