My question is closely related to this one but the answer focused mainly on measurements while my question is for unitary Clifford operations: why do we need $O(n)$ operations to update a quantum state stabilized by Pauli operators after an arbitrary Clifford operation.
As a reference, I looked at this paper, more precisely the beginning of the section III. In this paper they don't seem to consider that it is $O(n)$ for an arbitrary Clifford but it is $O(n)$ for cNOT,Hadamard,S. In this case I believe I agree. However in other references, they seem to claim that it is $O(n)$ (or $O(n^2)$) operation for any Clifford, and here I don't agree. I would like to check this specific point.
Let's assume $|\psi_i\rangle$ is a state living in a $2^n$ Hilbert space. I assumed it is a stabilizer state, hence it is in the $+1$ common eigenspace of a set of commuting $n$-Pauli operators: $\{g_1,...,g_n\}$
Then, I apply a unitary $U$ to my state: $|\psi_i \rangle \to |\psi_f \rangle = U |\psi_i \rangle$
$|\psi_f \rangle$ is now stabilized by $\{Ug_1U^{\dagger},...,Ug_n U^{\dagger} \}$
In order to specify precisely the final state, I then have to compute $n$ matrix products: $Ug_1U^{\dagger},...,Ug_nU^{\dagger}$. The total cost of the update is then $n \times m$ where $m$ is the number of operation required to compute one $Ug_iU^{\dagger}$ (let's reason with the worst-case scenario).
Naively, if I "just" know the matrix $U$ and that $U$ it is some Clifford operation, I expect $m$ to be at least equal to $2^n$, because a product of $2^n \times 2^n$ matrix requires at least $2^n$ operations (actually $(2^n)^a$ where $a$ is somewhere between $2$ and $3$).
However, if I know that $U$ is a $k$ qubit gate (where $k$ is independent of $n$), those matrix multiplication would be independent of $n$ and the complexity will be $O(n)$. I guess this is why in the paper it is said that we need $O(n)$ operations for $U$ being a Clifford cNOT, Hadamard, or S gate.
My question
Am I correct by saying that we need $O(n)$ operations after a Clifford $U$ only in the case this $U$ is a Clifford that acts on $k$ qubits where $k$ is a constant independent on $n$? Otherwise, for an "arbitrary" $n$-qubit Clifford the cost can be much worse than $O(n)$ (actually the cost could be exponential in $n$).
My suspicion is that in principle Gottesman-Knill theorem should always be understood as:
- Decompose your general unitary into a gateset composed of finite size Clifford operation (such as cNOT, Hadamard, S)
- After each of those gate, update your state: it will cost $O(n)$ operation for each gate
Then the overall cost if $O(n \times N)$ where $N$ is the number of those Clifford cNOT,Hadamard,S gates in the algorithm.
Would you agree with everything I wrote here?