
How do we define whether a device is a noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) device with respect to number of qubits and their error rates? Does it make sense to do this? I believe I once saw a definition of a NISQ device as one with on the order of $n \le 10^5$ qubits and single qubit error rates on the order of $\epsilon \ge 10^{-4}$are there any references that attempt to define the 'intermediate-scale' part of NISQ? As far as I'm aware, John Preskill did not provide any explicit definitions (this seems to have been prudent at the time, perhaps it still is).

Attempting to unpack things a bit, it seems that a NISQ device must be one that is designed to leverage noisy, not logical (error-corrected), qubits. If we are to believe that, then the obvious question is how many logical qubits do we need to justify entering the fault tolerant quantum computing (FTQC) regime? Do we require a quantum supremacy experiment on a FTQC such as the one demonstrated by the Google-led collaboration or does a more appropriate alternative exist?

Let's say that the we answer the latter question in the affirmative and assume 53 qubits is sufficient to realize an equivalent quantum supremacy in the FTQC regime (i.e. 53 logical qubits), can we estimate the transition from NISQ to FTQC to meaningfully occur once a system capable of error correcting the $n$ number of noisy qubits with single qubit1 error rate $\epsilon$ to yield 53 logical qubits capable of completing a similar RCS task with XEB benchmarking? If so, what do we estimate the order of $n$ noisy qubits and $\epsilon$ error rate(s) to be?

Another way to think about this: What would an update to this 2018 graph from Google AI Blog look like?

2D conceptual chart showing the relationship between error rate and number of qubits. The intended research direction of the Quantum AI Lab is shown in red, where we hope to access near-term applications on the road to building an error corrected quantum computer.

Any answers which explain the current state of thinking with respect to the question would be fantastic.

1. Setting aside that single qubit errors are far from the only errors we're concerned with.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ You seem to forget that the resource requirements for universal FTQC are usually dominated by the overhead needed for universality, e.g. magic state distillation or code switching. This overhead highly depends on the task at hand, for instance the frequency of $T$ gates. Moreover, the bar for FTQC should be higher than mere quantum supremacy ... To get an idea for the numbers see e.g. arxiv.org/abs/1905.09749 ... so the Google chart is not that wrong. Of course, this could (and hopefully will) change with further research. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 14, 2021 at 12:01
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @MarkusHeinrich Yes I’ve read the Gidney and Ekerå paper, if I recall they discuss number of qubits and error rates with respect to a fault tolerant architecture leveraging magic state distillation. I have not forgotten — in fact, to your point, I see the overhead as being a consideration for answering to this question. Regardless, it sounds like you’re saying that the implication of the chart above, that the frontier of the NISQ era is in the neighborhood of ~10^5 qubits with an error rate of ~10^-3, is accurate? $\endgroup$
    – Greenstick
    Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 0:43
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I think this estimate is not totally unrealistic. IMO factoring seems like a good indicator to see what one is up against. However, I also think that the insights gained by separating the above graph into regimes is very limited. It suggests that one merely has to increase the number of qubits (and their quality) to achieve FTQC and in this aspect, having a 70 qubit processor over 50 qubits is an achievement. In the end, it could be more important to find a smart architecture, good codes and compilers etc to actually arrive at FTQC and not be stuck on the way. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 9:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The term is not a rigorous one. It involves somewhat arbitrary (and approximate) parameters. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 27, 2021 at 8:38

1 Answer 1


The most rigorous definition of NISQ that I've come across resides in The Complexity of NISQ, where the authors define the NISQ complexity class. This class contains a set of problems solvable by a BPP machine with access to a device that only has noisy quantum gates, noisy state preparation at the start and noisy measurements at the end of the program. The prevention of mid-circuit measurements or reset gates prevent this device from doing FTQC.

The authors were then able to prove that NISQ is weaker than BQP and stronger than BPP via oracle separations. They're lots of complexity-theoretical kinks that need to be worked out with this definition, but it's the best we have as far as I'm aware. Notice that specific qubit counts or error rates are not mentioned.

Regarding your "unpacking" questions, trying to get a handle on the comparisons of physical and logical qubits, comparisons which are descendants of discussions about NISQ vs FTQC, can get messy. Starting from the application and replacing the physical vs logical qubit distinction with number of qubits at a certain error rate is neater.

Let's consider the problem RCS is trying to solve. RCS is typically used to demonstrate that a quantum computer can do some task better than existing classical computers. We haven't needed error correction to accomplish this. Recent experiments from Google e.t al. and Quantinuum e.t al is enough evidence.

Now, if we were trying to solve a different problem, say, trying to demonstrate the minimum viable application of some scientific interest better than existing classical computers, that could be, for example, simulating the 2D transverse field Ising model. This will require something on the order of 200 qubits at a $10^{-11}$ error rate. The resource requirements for this application will go down significantly, but it's unlikely that they will be low enough for us to get away from performing QEC in order to run it.

  • $\begingroup$ "The authors were then able to prove that NISQ is weaker than BQP and stronger than BPP." I would revise this to "The authors were then able to prove that NISQ is weaker than BQP and stronger than BPP, under standard complexity-theoretic hypotheses." $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 1 at 15:03
  • $\begingroup$ The authors say "A main open problem is to understand if we could show a separation between BPP, NISQ, and BQP under a standard complexity-theoretic assumption." I read this as them saying that they didn't prove the separation under standard complexity-theoretic hypotheses. What am I missing? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 1 at 15:27
  • $\begingroup$ It is presently unknown whether BPP$\subsetneq$BQP, or if BPP=BQP. If the latter, then NISQ necessarily is equal to both BPP and BQP. The standard complexity-theoretic hypothesis that almost everyone believes is, of course, that BPP$\subsetneq$BQP, but this seems very very hard to prove. But it is under this hypothesis that Chen et al. proved that BPP$\subsetneq$NISQ$\subsetneq$BQP - that is, that NISQ is weaker than BQP and stronger than BPP. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 1 at 15:34
  • $\begingroup$ They have to rely on the standard assumption that BQP is not equal to BPP in order to prove that NISQ is between them - which they did prove (I think at least relative to an oracle.) $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 1 at 15:38
  • $\begingroup$ I've updated the answer to include your suggestion. I must admit, I still don't understand what standard theoretic assumption they leave as an open problem in the "outlook" section is. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 1 at 15:43

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