As defined, CNOT should for the two input states $|0\rangle = \pmatrix{1 \\ 0}$ and $\pmatrix{\alpha \\ \beta}$ should result in the second state unchanged: $\pmatrix{\alpha \\ \beta}$. However, to me it does not seem to be the case.
The matrix for CNOT is defined as:
$$\pmatrix{1\;0\;0\;0 \\ 0\;1\;0\;0 \\ 0\;0\;0\;1 \\ 0\;0\;1\;0}$$
Now, I am not sure how to interpret the two input states, it makes sense to me to use their XOR as the input:
$$\pmatrix{1 \\ 0} \otimes \pmatrix{\alpha \\ \beta} = \pmatrix{ \alpha \\ 0 \\ \beta \\ 0 }$$
$$\pmatrix{1\;0\;0\;0 \\ 0\;1\;0\;0 \\ 0\;0\;0\;1 \\ 0\;0\;1\;0} \pmatrix{ \alpha \\ 0 \\ \beta \\ 0 } = \pmatrix{\alpha \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \beta}$$
which is a state impossible to write as XOR of two states. Besides obviously being different from the first one, even though it should not have changed.
How is that?