A paper I read talked about local interactions on only a single subsystem, leaving the state of that subsystem invariant, and the observation of this requiring the whole state.
Now their overall claims of some extension to Quantum Discord not withstanding, or it's similarities to other local computation mixed state work, for example 9, they talk about how to take
$$\frac{1}{4}(|00\rangle \langle00|+|01\rangle \langle01|+|10\rangle \langle10|+|11\rangle \langle11|$$ to $$\frac{1}{2}(|01\rangle \langle01|+|10\rangle \langle10|)$$
via a local operation on subsystem A via the use of the pauli $X$ gate. However, the fully mixed state should be invariant to that interaction along with the first subsystem, as $|00\rangle \langle00| \to |10\rangle \langle10|$, $|10\rangle \langle10| \to |00\rangle \langle00|$, $|01\rangle \langle01| \to |11\rangle \langle11|$ and $|11\rangle \langle11| \to |01\rangle \langle01|$, unless I have made some error here.
They talk about how some third party, Charlie, in this case, could do so for $|00\rangle \langle00|$ and $|11\rangle \langle11|$ by applying $X$ locally, but to avoid doing so for the other two states would require a controlled operation, and as such would no longer be local to subsystem A. Have I made some oversight here, perhaps reading their paper incorrectly or is this part of their paper wrong?
I mean their whole paper seems focused on only local operations that achieve this "quantum house effect", so if they just arbitrarily extend it to non-local ones, that seems to invalidate it for me.