This question is related and complementary to this one: How to get the stabilizer group for a given state?
What I want is to find the stabilizer group generators for the following state:
$$|W\rangle = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\Big(|011\rangle + |101\rangle + |110\rangle \Big)$$
In theory, I should find $n-k = 3-0=3$ independent non trivial generators. But the only one I can find is $M_1 = Z\otimes Z\otimes Z$ because any other combination, like $-Z\otimes Z\otimes -Z$ or $iZ\otimes iZ\otimes -Z$ actually is equivalent to the first one, and there cannot be a combination with $X$ because it would alter the difference between 0s and 1s that is conserved in each sum.
Where are the other two generators?