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auden's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
24 votes

How to interpret a quantum circuit as a matrix?

16 votes

What integers have been factored with Shor's algorithm?

14 votes

Why must quantum computers be kept near absolute zero?

12 votes

What is the longest time a qubit has survived with 0.9999 fidelity?

11 votes

Is Google's 72 qubit device better than D-Wave's machines, which feature more than 2000 qubits?

10 votes

Significance of The Church of the Higher Hilbert space

10 votes

Quantum memory assisting classical memory

7 votes

What real quantum computers are available for students to use?

7 votes

What is a qubit?

6 votes

How do 2 Hadamard gates act on a single qubit?

5 votes

How could Majorana particles be used to improve quantum computers?

5 votes

Building a quantum computer in simulation

3 votes

Reverse Quantum Computing: How to unmeasure a qunit

3 votes

How to prove/disprove universality for a set of gates?

3 votes

What are some open sources projects on quantum computing?

1 vote

Are classical bits quantum?

1 vote

Can classical algorithms be improved by using quantum simulation as an intermediary step?