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Cody Wang's user avatar
Cody Wang
  • Member for 6 years
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

Simplify the tensor product of two exponentials

6 votes

What are quantum computers actually doing today?

6 votes

What is the actual Hilbert space of a $N$-qubit system?

5 votes

How to construct solution based on the Schrödinger equation and split it into gates?

4 votes

Can we always simultaneously diagonalize $H_A \otimes \mathbb{1}$ and $\mathbb{1} \otimes H_B$?

4 votes

Why can't you efficiently simulate quantum computers on classical computers

4 votes

Quantum Circuit evaluation Qiskit vs. AWS Braket SDK

3 votes

Expectation values using qiskit

3 votes

Text book recommendations for QM 101, please? Not a complete beginner

3 votes

Why is quantum annealing often associated with the Ising model?

3 votes

How to convert between little/big-endian unitary forms in Braket?

2 votes

Can D-Wave machines be applied to simulate Hamiltonians arising in quantum physics?

2 votes

Partial Measurement in AWS Braket

2 votes

How to extract per shots measurement result from ionq device using qiskit_braket_provider?

2 votes

Bit flip error correction syndrome measurements

2 votes

Is there a general way to parametrize 2-qubit unitaries?

2 votes

Question about the probability of failure of the bit flip code

2 votes

Adiabatic computing basics

2 votes

Is it possible to express T, CNOT, SWAP, and CCNOT gates as a product of rotation gates?

2 votes

gradient estimations on variational quantum algorithms

2 votes

Simultaneous measurements of Pauli observables and number of copies required

2 votes

Applying Clifford Gate before a Pauli Measurment

2 votes

calculating the unitary of a circuit using Qiskit's simulator

1 vote

How to get IonQ Task's Native Instructions/Decomposition (Amazon Braket)

1 vote

How are the parameters in a variational circuit optimized?

1 vote

retrieve gate errors from rigetti devices via braket

1 vote

Is there a way to get the controlled version of a AWS Braket Unitary?

1 vote

I would like to use Open QASM 3 what if any backends can I use to?

1 vote

which hardware platform is best for single qubits?

1 vote

How to Properly Cite Amazon Braket?