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Balint Pato's user avatar
Balint Pato
  • Member for 6 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

What is the clear definition of coherent versus incoherent errors?

3 votes

Fake Stabilizer States

3 votes

How to cite cirq in a scientific article?

3 votes

Cirq.simulate expectation value of a Hamiltonian

3 votes

How do you represent one-qubit rotations in two registers as a $4\times 4$ unitary matrix?

3 votes

Cirq: Result of rotating qubit measurements never come [0 1] or [1 0 ], always come as [0,0] or [1,1]

3 votes

How do I build a gate from a matrix on Qiskit?

3 votes

Can Noise in measurements lead to non-zero probability of a state that was not originally in the state vector?

2 votes

Measuring a specific observable using cirq

2 votes

How to learn about quantum computing and qiskit

2 votes

Optimizations in quantum circuits

2 votes

Cirq-Measuring a State with Rotation Matrix

2 votes

Question about Nielson & Chuang Problem 9.2

2 votes

How to create the logical $|0_L\rangle$ state for the Steane's 7-qubit code?

1 vote

Simulate Surface /Topological Code with Majorana - Huge Complexity Saving

1 vote

How do I stepwise rotate a qubit on a Bloch sphere using $SO(3)$ and $SU(2)$ group?

1 vote

AttributeError: module 'cirq' has no attribute 'google'

1 vote

Use simulator.simulate() to obtain probability distribution instead of (cirq)

1 vote

CIRQ How to iteratively apply a multi qubit gate to first n qubits

1 vote

Cirq: Creating an arbitrary gate for an arbitrary number of qubits

1 vote

Bit Flip, Separable state and Several Question about Cirq

1 vote

Cirq QAOA Tasks returns "iteration over a 0-d array" error

1 vote

Access and set_state during quantum computation simulation in cirq

1 vote

Grover search over k-ary strings

1 vote

Quantum Error Correction Difficulties: "Measurements destroy quantum information" Intuition

1 vote

How to implement a depolarizing noise channel for qutrits using cirq?

1 vote

Performing a projective measurement, is the resulting expectation value $\langle \Psi|M|\Psi\rangle$ bounded between $+1$ and $-1$?

0 votes

How do I transform a $ZZ$ interaction unitary into a $\text{CZ}$ gate?

0 votes

Printing Stabilizer State of a circuit using Cirq

0 votes

Interpretation of Qudit measurement output in cirq