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Lena's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Montpellier, France
11 votes

Does entanglement allow enhanced communication efficiency?

11 votes

Topology graphs of IBM's quantum computers

9 votes

How do I get the names of all currently available IBMQ devices?

7 votes

Which qiskit backend is faster in execution of the quantum circuit prepared?

7 votes

Characteristics of the IBM quantum computer

7 votes

Apply readout error mitigation to mid-circuit measurement

7 votes

How to run bundled circuits with a different number of shots per circuit on QISKIT?

6 votes

Can I access device specifications of IBMQ paying devices?

5 votes

Qubit ordering in qiskit

5 votes

Why are $U$s raised to successive powers of two in quantum phase estimation when we use $n$ register qubits $|0\rangle|0\rangle|0\rangle$?

5 votes

Qiskit: Taking a QUBO matrix into `qubit_op'

5 votes

Expectation value of an operator error: Composition is not defined over operators of different dimensions,

5 votes

Maximum number of qubits supported by the Qasm simulator

5 votes

How to get_statevector() with defined gates in Qiskit?

4 votes

Error when attempting to visualize controlled hadamard gate state matrix with qiskit

4 votes

What is the maximum number of qubits that can be simulated by Qiskit using any method?

4 votes

What happened to the processor IBMQ_16_melbourne?

4 votes

How do I get the unitary matrix of a circuit?

4 votes

Qubit Connectivity of IBM Quantum Computer

4 votes

Why are IBM QE backend results different from the qasm simulator for a simple quantum circuit?

4 votes

Q-Sphere representation of Bell States

4 votes

Generic CNOT gate in qiskit from tensor product

4 votes

Function in Qiskit to get the quantum circuit

4 votes

Worked example of Bernstein-Vazirani - understanding bitwise product

4 votes

How to use Initial States in Qiskits QAOA?

3 votes

How do I find out what version of qiskit I am running?

3 votes

What are the differences between IBMQJobManager and Qiskit aqua QuantumInstance?

3 votes

Vertex Cover mappings from QUBO to Ising and vice versa

3 votes

Am I doing anything wrong when trying to calculate the expectation value in Qiskit on the real hardware?

3 votes

Are the skills learned for a degree in Computer Engineering helpful in learning Quantum Computing?