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Unanswered Questions

594 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Performing Binary Operations on Classical Bits

I am trying to prepare the n-qubits GHZ state using LOCC on Qiskit. The implementation uses the result of some mid-circuit measurements for later operations. I am now using something like ...
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Qiskit QAOA optimization does not work when setting simulation seed in AerSampler

I am using Qiskit's QAOA for optimization and I would like to extract the probabilities distribution obtained in the optimization loop when running the circuit with the optimal parameters set. To do ...
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0 answers

The error with Estimator primitive due to the qiskit version

The code that I follow is from this tutorial. But there are some errors due to the version of qiskit on the Estimator primitive ...
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1 answer

HHL for the pseudoinverse in Qiskit

The HHL algorithm can be modified to compute the pseudoinverse of $A$ as is shown here and here. Is there anyway to do this in Qiskit without coding the entire thing manually?
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Apply a single-qubit channel between in between two circuits in Qiskit

Suppose, you have two parts of a circuit in Qiskit, qc1 and qc2 on any number of qubits such that the entire circuit is given by ...
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0 answers

Qiskit: efficient way to create bound circuits?

I am running an optimization problem whose objective function $F(a)$ requires measuring N variational circuits $V_i(a)$ at each evaluation. So, roughly, I have created N parametric circuits and I do: <...
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0 answers

Qiskit NoiseModel.from_backend gives wrong gate error

According to the Qiskit documentation, a gate error is simulated by a thermal relaxation channel followed by a depolarisation channel, where the parameter of the depolarisation channel is adjusted so ...
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0 answers

How does it work QasmSimulator with the option "density matrix"?

I am making some simulations on IBM Quantum Lab and as backend I tried to use QasmSimulator(method = "density_matrix") in order to simulate noise. I wanted to know how this method works in ...
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0 answers

Predator–prey theory

We have a project where we are supposed to simulate the predator–prey theory in qiskit. Can anyone help or suggest of any ways to start from somewhere because we are kinda lost.
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How to implement a gate that generate a uniform superposition of all permutation of element

I'm looking for a quantum circuit that permits generating a uniform superposition of all possible permutations for example if we have as input $|0123\rangle$ the output will be the uniform ...
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0 answers

Why does running a pulse schedule for Bell circuit give incorrect counts?

As part of another project I need to be able to run a custom pulse schedule for a bell ciruit and measure the counts. However I am having a problem where running the scheduled circuit is giving counts ...
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0 answers

What is the most efficient method to update the binary encoded values inside a quantum state?

We're implementing a QML algorithm in which we have to update the value stored inside a quantum state which is strictly unknown to us, by multiplying it with a real number classically stored with us. ...
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Implementing Shor's algorithm on IBM Quantum Composer

I'm trying to recreate from this paper in the IBM Quantum Composer. However, this circuit isn't enough understandable for me to do so. I have tried to recreate the above circuit in the composer as ...
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1 answer

Does one measurement affect the following measurement errors in mid-circuit measurement?

Suppose I have a quantum circuit with a few measurements (say $N$) on a single qubit. Before all the measurements, I generated calibration circuits and the 2 by 2 calibration matrix for that qubit of ...
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0 answers

Incorrect probabilities in IBMQ Mid-circuit measurements

I calculated the probabilities for two measurements using mid-circuit measurements feature in IBMQ by following circuit: ...

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