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Unanswered Questions

598 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
1 answer

Enforcing a particular layout mapping in Qiskit

I would like to ask how to set a particular layout during transpiling. I guess that the layout can be set by the initial_layout parameter in the transpiler. However,...
7 votes
0 answers

Run VQE for parametrized quantum circuit with ancilla qubits

Let's say we have the following circuit (picture and code shown below), and now the $q_0$ is an ancilla qubit. If the system of interest has only two qubits, Is there a way to use only $q_{1,2}$ as my ...
6 votes
0 answers

Quantum State Tomography Implementation in IBMQ

I am working to understand quantum state tomography, specifically using the algorithm presented in PRL 108, 070502. This paper is referenced in IBMQ implementations of QST, both in old deprecated ...
6 votes
0 answers

Writing circuits in Qiskit using only Clifford and T gates

Is there a way in Qiskit to write my circuit using only Clifford and T gates (CX, S, H, T and I think also $S^\dagger$ and $T^\dagger$)? With the function compile (with aer simulator) it gives me some ...
6 votes
0 answers

Bell State 11 not working for parity curve

I am currently writing a script to automate the creation of parity curves for a 2 qubit bell state and then calculate fidelity and proving entanglement from that (inspired by this paper). It was going ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to get the compiled circuits and measurements from a Qiskit Runtime job

I have not been able to find any way to retrieve the compiled circuits and the measurement counts used for a Qiskit Runtime job. This page describes the various error suppression mechanisms available. ...
5 votes
1 answer

Two qubit gate decomposition using Qiskit

I am writing some python code to be able to optimise the total error in two qubit gate decomposition. I am using the Qiskit module qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.two_qubit_decompose My question relates ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is the best way to use loop statements on a quantum computer?

I am interested in solving a time dependent linear partial differential equation of the form $Ax=b$ which, in classical computing, would amount to looping over solutions of $Ax=b$ where $b$ is updated ...
5 votes
0 answers

OpenFermion to Qiskit

Is there a direct way to go from an object generated in OpenFermion to objects usable in Qiskit? I can't find anything about any plugin. It's not too hard to translate into pyQuil and then to Qiskit ...
5 votes
0 answers

Results from looped experiments on IBM Q different than individual experiments

I'm experiencing an issue while using Qiskit where the counts from a job return vastly different values when ran in a loop or as an array of circuits as opposed to single experiments when run by ...
5 votes
0 answers

How can I express controlled unitary operation in QPE of this implementation of HHL?

I have found this implementation of HHL, and I don't understand why the controlled unitary operation is expressed in the form of $\exp(i t_0 A/2)$ and $\exp(i t_0 A/4)$. The rotation of $\pi$ and $\...
4 votes
0 answers

Evaluating expectation values of operators using StateVector and MPS in Qiskit 1.0

Assume one has a QuantumCircuit object and a list of SparsePauliOp. How do I calculate their expectation values using the MPS ...
4 votes
0 answers

Quantum Phase Estimation for Chemical Hamiltonian

I am working on implementing QPE for calculating the ground state energy of a small molecule like H2 or HeH+. I've written some code that is getting results within about 10% accuracy, but I'm not ...
4 votes
0 answers

Failed to load program into HAL component

I'm getting this error message when I execute my qiskit code on one of the available quantum computers of IBM: ...
4 votes
0 answers

Difference between Qiskit and Openfermion two body integrals

I am struggling with understanding the differences between OpenFermion and Qiskit libraries when it comes to Molecular Data, two body integrals. For example, I am working with the following ...

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