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Unanswered Questions

131 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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IBM quantum composer possible bug?(state amplitudes of quantum circuit)

I have this quantum circuit: and from the IBM quantum composer I get this state amplitudes: I wanted to flip the target qubit and keep only its pure state however this is not what I am getting.I am ...
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0 answers

How to use more than 3 classical registers in a single quantum circuit in Qiskit without getting error: not enough memory slots?

I'm trying to run a quantum circuit on qasm simulator which has more than 3 classical registers. It gives error when I try to execute it. The circuit looks ...
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0 answers

IBM Quantum Lab - Server unavailable or unreachable. Would you like to restart?

In the following circuit, I want to perform tomography on the qubits 0,1,2,3 after qubits 4,5,6,7,8,9 are measured. I run the circuit using with measurement gates on qubits 4,5,6,7,8,9 with the ...
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0 answers

Is there a way to connect a IBM quantum lab code to an Unreal Engine project?

I would like to know whether someone tried this before, I'm interested in be able to connect this tools. I know that Unreal Engine has a plugin to program with python, that all I know. I'll really ...
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0 answers

Maximum depth of a circuit in IBM

Given Quantum Volume and number of qubits of a IBMQ device, what is the formula to calculate the maximum depth of the circuit that gives high fidelity? For example: Let us consider ...
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0 answers

How to simplify a circuit with repeated same parts?

If I have a circuit with 3 qubits and repeated gates as follow: ...
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0 answers

Process 3 MB of data in IBM

How can I process a 3 MB csv file in IBMQ? The memory shows 433 MB. Is this the maximum file size that I can upload and process in IBMQ?
0 votes
0 answers

IBMQ - Total samples exceeds the maximum number of samples for channel [8002]

I'm trying to run some pulse schedules on ibmq_bogota but I'm running into this error: There are 99 "circuits"/pulse schedules in this job. When I try to ...
0 votes
0 answers

The analogous IBM circuit representation for the quantum scheme

I am trying to implement a quantum scheme of sharing a secret via EPR states. Here is my initial state of 6 qubits \begin{equation} |\psi\rangle=\left(\dfrac{|0\rangle_1|0\rangle_2+ |1\rangle_1|1\...
-1 votes
2 answers

Instruction h is not supported

I'm new at quantum computing and I'm trying to run a script with IBM quantum. I'm using brisbane and getting that error "Instruction h is not supported". I get the same error for cx gate as ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Unable to instantiate provider for research account locally

When I run IBMQ.load_account(). I have the error information: ...

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