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Unanswered Questions

132 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Transpiler fails after 1000 iterations

I'm transpiling a set of quantum circuits using ibmq_5_yorktown. However, as the number of circuits gets larger, it shows me the following error message: ...
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0 answers

IBM QE - Parameters that differentiate the various backends

I'm doing a university thesis using IBM's quantum backends. In my analysis I am making some considerations on what differentiates one backend from another other than the number of qubits and quantum ...
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Form and effect of the intrinsic Hamiltonian on the IBM machines

I want to understand the form of the intrinsic Hamiltonian of the IBM machines, such as ibmq_16_melbourne, and how this affects the data I get out when waiting ...
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Problem with measurement error mitigation using VQE

I am attempting to mitigate measurement error while running on one of IBM's real devices and am doing so by passing CompleteMeasFitter into ...
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Measuring Coherence Length for T1 and T2 values with IBMQ Experience

So I'm currently working on a little program to measure how long the coherence time of a qubit is. Basically the idea is to initialise a qubit with a X or H gate then stick in a varying amount of ...
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0 answers

Implementing a depolarizing channel for 2 qubits on IBM Q

I am trying to use IBM Q to perform the following depolarizing channel on a state of 2 qubits $\rho=|\psi \rangle \langle \psi |$: $$\rho \to (1-\lambda)\rho + \frac{\lambda}{4}I$$ This is within ...
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1 answer

How to re-execute failed jobs in qiskit?

When executing a batch of circuits using the IBMQJobManager and attempting to combine all the results of all jobs with combine_results I get the ...
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1 answer

VQE jobs do not appear in queue

I am trying to calculate the ground state energy of some simple molecules using 'MolecularGroundStateEnergy' tools in qiskit. When I run the calculations for very small molecules (e.g. H2, HeH+) the ...
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0 answers

How many cores and what processors are used in the cloud ibmq_qasm_simulator?

Cloud IBMQ simulator ibmq_qasm_simulator can process up to 32-qubit circuits quite fast. However, I could not find any information about the simulator backend properties, e.g. how many cores, what ...
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0 answers

Difficulty in implementing Grover's Algorithm with large number of qubits

It seems IBM offers a 15 qubit quantum computer through their quantum experience program. However, upon a quick search through the literature, the largest implementation of Grover's algorithm I have ...
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Grover's algorithm for 3SAT problem gives erroneous results

I'm writing some code in python with Qiskit that implements Grover's algorithm to solve the 3-SAT problem, but when I run it it doesn't give the correct annswer. I've checked the circuit with the <...
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0 answers

How to measure a Bell inequality violation in IBM Q?

Note: Cross-posted on Physics SE. I made some circuit to prepare a 2 qubit state, but I am having trouble understanding how to measure Bell's inequality. I know the inequality is of the form $$|E(a,...
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0 answers

Can "experimental data from a quantum computer" be used to test separability probability conjectures?

An article entitled "Experimental data from a quantum computer verifies the generalize Pauli exclusion principle" by Scott E. Smart, David I. Schuster, and David A. Mazziotti has just appeared In the ...
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0 answers

Qiskit Python program cannot connect to QE API

I am just getting started with Qiskit and IBM Quantum Experience, so please forgive my newby question. I have a IBM Quantum Experience account and I generated an API token. I used the generated ...
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0 answers

Understanding sources of error in 4-bit Grover's search on IBM QC

This question is similar to some others I've come across, related to why a 4-qubit implementation of Grover's search yields such poor results when run on the IBM QC compared to the 3-qubit case (...

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