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Unanswered Questions

2,382 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Quantum State Tomography Implementation in IBMQ

I am working to understand quantum state tomography, specifically using the algorithm presented in PRL 108, 070502. This paper is referenced in IBMQ implementations of QST, both in old deprecated ...
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Is No Free Lunch Theorem generalizable to Quantum Computation?

The "No Free Lunch Theorem" says: that when averaged across all possible problems, any two strategies have equivalent performance. However it uses Bayesian reasoning to arrive at this ...
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Solovay-Kitaev Balanced Group Commutators in SU(2) Implementation

I am currently looking into quantum compilation and came across Dawson and Nielsen's paper on the Solovay-Kitaev Algorithm, which seems like a good starting point as it is referenced in a many of the ...
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Could the Hamiltonian of a 2x2 Rubik's Cube be simulated with a NISQ device?

Consider the four cells on each of the six faces of the 2x2x2 Rubik's cube (the pocket cube). We can construct and simulate a quarter-turn Hamiltonian as below. $^*$ Let $\langle F_1,U_1,R_1\rangle$ ...
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Weak Schur sampling and state distinguishability

Consider the task of distinguishing between the following two $n$ qubit quantum states. $$ \rho = \frac{\mathbb{I}}{2^{n}}.$$ $$ \sigma = \frac{1}{2^{n/2}}\sum_{x \in \{0, 1\}^{n/2}} |x\rangle\langle ...
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0 answers

How large can we make the fidelity between mixed states by allowing unitaries?

For pure states, it is known that one can always find a unitary that relates the two i.e. for any choice of states $\vert\psi\rangle$ and $\vert\phi\rangle$, there exists a unitary $U$ such that $U\...
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0 answers

Writing circuits in Qiskit using only Clifford and T gates

Is there a way in Qiskit to write my circuit using only Clifford and T gates (CX, S, H, T and I think also $S^\dagger$ and $T^\dagger$)? With the function compile (with aer simulator) it gives me some ...
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Does Randomized Benchmarking characterize decoherence error?

In my understanding, Randomized Benchmarking (RB) generates a sequence of Clifford gates with different lengths and then characterizes the average error. Since RB is not sensitive to SPAM error, it ...
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Postselection and hardness of estimating amplitudes

Let $A$ be a class of quantum circuits such that \begin{equation} \text{Post}A = \text{Post}BQP, \end{equation} where $\text{Post}$ indicates post-selection. Is only this amount of information ...
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0 answers

What is the largest linear system of equations solved using HHL experimentally?

Can someone tell what is the largest system of equations solved using HHL algorithm experimentally? I know the $8$ x $8$ system has been solved experimentally. Has someone gone beyond this to solve $...
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Is VQA quicker than classical machine learning?

Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA) is a kind of quantum algorithm corresponding to classical machine learning. Unlike the square speed up of Grover's algorithm, the circuit in VQA does not seem to ...
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Optical quantum computers VS Superconducting quantum computers VS Electron-spin quantum computers

One of the main problems of superconducting quantum computers is that it is necessary to maintain a very low temperature (near absolute zero). Such cooling is very expensive and complex. Why, then, ...
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0 answers

What is quantum tomography useful for?

First time poster and just started with quantum computing for my master thesis, so I'm sorry if the question seems obvious. I understand that the tomography is used to reconstruct the state and/or ...
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In QAOA why do we need $m \log(m)$ repetitions to get at least $F_{p}(\beta , \gamma) - 1$ with probability of $1 - 1/m$?

In the original QAOA paper from Farhi, it is stated in chapter 2 last paragraph (page 6) that: when measuring $F_{p}(\beta , \gamma)$ we get an outcome of at least ...
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Is the universality of a qubit based quantum computer different from the universality of a continuous-variable quantum computer?

I understand that a quantum computer is universal if it can compute anything that a quantum Turing machine can. Another way to think about universality is that any unitary transformation on, e.g., a ...

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