How is the computational power defined in Quatum Computing?
A simple answer to this question cannot be given as we have not discovered the "transistor" in quantum computing. Possible solutions or hardware implementations are:
Ion Traps
How would you write $ e^{i \frac{\pi}{4} \text{CNOT}}$ in ZX calculus?
Is there any simple method to write gates of the form $e^{i \frac{\pi}{4} \sigma_z^{(1)} \sigma_x^{(2)}}
This graph should perform $\exp(i \theta \cdot (Z \otimes X))$:
There may be a factor of 2 ...
How to realize the index shift operation in quantum circuit?
All qubit rearrangements can be implemented with two layers of swap gates. In the case of a shift operation, swap qubit $k$ with qubit $n-k-1$ for each $k < n/2$ then swap qubit $k+1$ with qubit $n-...
How is the computational power defined in Quatum Computing?
You might want to take a look at the report from the Homeland Security R&D department, which gives a formula for estimating the power consumption of a quantum computer:
Energy consumed = runtime ×...
Given a non-Clifford quantum circuit $U$, is it possible to construct a commuting Clifford circuit $C$?
Generically, no.
Consider the single-qubit unitary $U=HT$. We want to find a $C$ such that
but since $C$ is Clifford, it transforms Paulis into Paulis. So, decompose $U$ in terms ...
Is it possible to approximately compile Toffoli using H and CSWAP?
TL;DR: Nope. The triple tensor product of the $+1$ eigenstate of the Hadamard gate is a $+1$ eigenstate of every product of the controlled-SWAP gate and the Hadamard. This is not the case for Toffoli, ...
Is it possible to approximately compile Toffoli using H and CSWAP?
You can exactly implement a Toffoli using CSWAPs catalyzed by a singlet state:
The singlet state is the -1 eigenstate of the swap gate, and you can get phase kickback from a swap by using cswap, so ...
How to realize the index shift operation in quantum circuit?
CW because this is mostly cumulative with the other answers
As the other answers explain, a ladder of SWAP gates should suffice to perform such a circular shift operation. Many times it would not ...
Community wiki
How to realize the index shift operation in quantum circuit?
I'll try to extend on @Jezer's answer. Although the obvious answer is the staircase product of SWAP operators $$S = \prod_{i=1}^{n-1} SWAP_{i,i+1},$$
it is most certainly more resource efficient to ...
Finding a unitary transformation to swap the control bit
Unitaries $U$ are diagonalisable. That means there exists a unitary $V$ such that $VUV^\dagger=P$, where $P$ is a phase gate (diagonal matrix). This means that we can think of controlled-$U$ as the ...
How to realize the index shift operation in quantum circuit?
You could implement this with SWAP gates. Apply a SWAP on qubits 0 and 1, then on qubits 1 and 2, and so on, till you finally SWAP qubits n-1 and n.
If however, you're interested in designing ...
Coding a hamiltonian in qiskit
Qiskit's class SparsePauliOp can be used to define sparse $\text{N}$-qubit operators in Pauli basis representation. And in your case, it is better to utilize ...
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