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Boosting amplitude of IMPLY gate

While @diemilio answer the original question, I tried to answer the NIMPLY: Here is NIMPLY truth table and its probabilities: ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Boosting amplitude of IMPLY gate

What you need to do is use the IMPLY gate to construct the oracle used in Grover's algorithm. First off, you need to fix the implementation of your gate. It might look like it is working correctly ...
diemilio's user avatar
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Why is an exponential scaling chosen in the Grover Algorithm for an unknown amount of solutions?

Exponential scaling is necessary because the size of the search space is exponential. With a slower-growing interval, it will take too many attempts to reach worst-case numbers of solutions. As an ...
Sam Jaques's user avatar
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How to program Grover's Operator?

Grover's diffusion operator given by the following unitary: $$ U_s = 2 |s\rangle \langle s| - I, $$ where $|s\rangle$ is the equal superposition state, which can be generated from the all-zeros states ...
diemilio's user avatar
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Qiskit Grover search with QasmSimulator

If you have $M$ marked element, then the number of iterations should be $$\frac{\pi}{4}\sqrt{\frac{N}{M}} \text{where},\;\;\; N = 2^n $$ So, you need to replace this line ...
Egretta.Thula's user avatar
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What's the point of Grover's algorithm if we have to search the list of elements to build the oracle?

The simple answer is: there exists a way without knowing the position of your target and you still could build the oracle. This is exactly where Grover's algorithm is useful. An example is: $M=pq$ ($p&...
tangyao's user avatar
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