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Are GHZ states absolutely maximally entangled?

I think the issue here is the definition of Absolutely Maximally Entangled (AME) states on Wikipedia, which you are quoting. I had not heard of AME states before, but after coming across your question,...
FDGod's user avatar
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GHZ Definition - Does it all have to be $|000\ldots\rangle$ or $|111\ldots\rangle$ or can it be $|010\ldots\rangle$ or $|101\ldots\rangle$

TL;DR: No, these are not GHZ states. They are cat states. GHZ state The GHZ state is defined as the state \begin{equation} \frac{|000\rangle+|111\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}.\tag1 \end{equation} Generalized GHZ ...
Adam Zalcman's user avatar
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Output of my quantum circuit to create 3-qubit GHZ-like state does not make sense mathematically

As @Callum said, your ordering of qubit is wrong. Qiskit keeps the 0th qubit at the rightmost space in a ket representation or for measurement. If you have, say 3 qubits, qubit#1, qubit#2, qubit#3, in ...
FDGod's user avatar
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Cirq: n-qubit GHZ state

How about: ...
KAJ226's user avatar
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Why does measuring a GHZ state in the computational basis destroy the entanglement?

The two-qubit GHZ state (Bell state) case is special: any measurement in a basis $$ \cos\theta X+\sin\theta Z $$ will return perfectly correlated results between the two parties. In the case of a ...
DaftWullie's user avatar
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What is the general form for GHZ and W class states?

The GHZ form of the state follows from a bit of a manipulation after define what you mean by a GHZ state, remembering that all these parametrisations are "up to local unitaries". For me, the ...
DaftWullie's user avatar
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Are GHZ states absolutely maximally entangled?

For higher order GHZ states, like as you said for four qubits case, we can write the density matrix of this state like the following: $$\rho_{ABCD} = \frac{1}{2}(|0000⟩⟨0000|+|0000⟩⟨1111|+|1111⟩⟨0000|+...
physicino's user avatar
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Are GHZ states absolutely maximally entangled?

I suppose the term "Reduced Density Matrix" makes sense here. As we have a three qubits system GHZ state such the following: $$|\psi⟩ = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|000⟩ + |111⟩)$$ If we build the ...
physicino's user avatar
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Transferring GHZ state onto some qubits

About checking. I do not quite understand why you can't check how the GHZ-state was teleported in the most ordinary ways: in addition to measuring the state immediately after teleportation, as well as ...
Aleksey Zhuravlev's user avatar

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