I'm trying to follow tutorial on pulse simulation described in qiskit.org. The generated PulseQobj is well executed with AER simulator, but it throws JSONDecodeError when using real backends (ex. ibmq-armonk). The PulseQobj passed the validation (```validate_qobj_against_schema```), so I'm struggling to find the reason. Qobj, generated by ```QuantumCircuit``` command, does not raise this error. I connected to real device with APItoken, and qiskit version is up to date (qiskit 0.22.0). Below is the trial code with real device, and log after backend.run(PulseQobj) ``` %matplotlib inline import numpy as np from qiskit.ignis.characterization.calibrations import rabi_schedules, RabiFitter from qiskit.pulse import DriveChannel from qiskit.compiler import assemble from qiskit.qobj.utils import MeasLevel, MeasReturnType from qiskit import IBMQ IBMQ.enable_account(APItoken, proxies = ProxyConfig, verify = certPath) provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub=hub, group=group, project=project) backend = provider.get_backend(device) # qubit list qubits = [0] # drive amplitudes to use num_exps = 64 drive_amps = np.linspace(0, 1.0, num_exps) # drive shape parameters drive_duration = 2048 drive_sigma = 256 # list of drive channels drive_channels = [DriveChannel(0)] # construct the schedules rabi_schedules, xdata = rabi_schedules(amp_list=drive_amps, qubits=qubits, pulse_width=drive_duration, pulse_sigma=drive_sigma, drives=drive_channels, inst_map=backend.defaults().instruction_schedule_map, meas_map=backend.configuration().meas_map) rabi_qobj = assemble(rabi_schedules, backend=backend, meas_level=1, meas_return='avg', shots=512) result = backend.run(rabi_qobj).result() ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSONDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-17-16f293a93614> in <module> ----> 1 result = backend.run(rabi_qobj).result() JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)