One can replicate any quantum gate or at least get arbitrarily close using sufficient number of CNOT, H, X, Z and $\pi/8$ rotation gates. That is because they form a [universal set]( of quantum gates (refer to: *M. Nielsen and I. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2016, page 189*). Be careful here. Clearly, we cannot implement any arbitrary quantum gate $U$ with infinite precision. Instead, given $\epsilon>0$, we implement $U_{\epsilon}$, which is $\epsilon$-close to $U$ (refer to: [Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation MOOC offered by UC Berkely on EdX]( This imperfection of quantum gates is one of the main reasons we need [error correction codes](

There have been attempts to implement those basic gates. I'm adding some of the recent research works related to these attempts:

- CNOT: [Construction of controlled-NOT gate based on microwave-activated phase (MAP) gate in two transmon system]( and [Rydberg atoms based mesoscopic $\text{CNOT}^{\text{N}}$ gate using STIRAP](

- Hadamard (H): [An approach to realize a quantum Hadamard gate through optical implementation](

- Phase flip (Z): [One-step implementation of a multiqubit controlled-phase-flip gate]( & [Realizing quantum controlled phase-flip gate through quantum dot in silicon slow-light photonic crystal waveguide](

- Bit Flip (X): [Chiral Spin Flipping Gate Implemented in IBM Quantum Experience](

- $\pi/8$ rotation: [Qudit versions of the qubit "pi-over-eight" gate](

As Wiki mentions, another set of universal quantum gates consists of the Ising gate and the phase-shift gate. These are the set of gates natively available in some trapped-ion quantum computers ([Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomic qubits](