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Implementing cphase gate on IonQ through Amazon Braket

I am implementing a VQE algorithm where I need controlled phase gate as part of ansatz circuit. I am using Amazon Braket service. Ionq processor however does not support c-phase gate or phase gate. ...
F1_light's user avatar
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Efficient gate executing the time evolution of a Hamiltonian using Runge-Kutta method

You can find a minimal working example below. In particular, I want to replace the scipy.linalg.expm() matrix exponential by a Runge Kutta time evolution method as ...
ANDREAS kruckenhauser's user avatar
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Commutativity of XY gate

My question is a simple one: Can 2 XY gates commute ? XY gate is a 2-qubit XX+YY interaction also sometimes referred to as iSwap gate.
Marouane Jaakik's user avatar
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Difference between using CircuitSampler vs Execute methods on obtaining expectation value

For a hybrid, VQE-type optimization in qiskit, in order to compute the expectation value of a Hamiltonian, we can use CircuitSampler on some Pauli sum operators, as well as Execute method on a list of ...
WQian's user avatar
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5 votes
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Qiskit: QAOAnsatz circuit with custom Hamiltonian

I am trying to implement the Quantum Approximate Optimization Ansatz by creating a parametrized subcircuit $$V (α) = e^{−iH_M α_1} e^{−iH_D b_1} ... e^{−iH_M α_n} e^{−iH_D b_n}$$ with the custom ...
consthatza's user avatar
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Decomposition of 2-qubit Hamiltonian into standard gate set for QAOA

I try to decompose ansatz into gate set in order to create a circuit in qiskit for QAOA algorithm. I don't understand how represent parametrized 2 qubit ansatz as circuit. $ H{_B} = \sum_{j=1}^{n} {\...
Masamune's user avatar
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What is the best way to handle parametric circuits in Qiskit?

What is the best way to handle parametric circuits in Qiskit? When I create a variational form like TwoLocal and then do ...
Bidon's user avatar
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