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Questions tagged [universal-gate-sets]

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3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to approximately compile Toffoli using H and CSWAP?

Question: Given all controlled-SWAP (CSWAP) and Hadamard (H) gates on 3 qubits, is it possible to approximately compile the Toffoli (CCX) gate? Discussion From basic simulations, it appears that all $\...
Jonas Anderson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is $\{CNOT, CZ, T\}$ a universal gate set?

If one would like to drop the Hadamard from the usual $\{CNOT, H, T\}$ gate set, what is a suitable replacement? It seems like $CZ$ might work here but I don't really know how to prove or disprove it. ...
John Doe's user avatar
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1 answer

Circumventing the Eastin-Knill theorem by means of Shor's fault tolerant Toffoli gate

I have been reading about the Eastin-Knill theorem, which states that no quantum error correction code can can transversely implement a universal gate set. In this context, for example, the surface ...
Josu Etxezarreta Martinez's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Alternative gate sets for universal Clifford computation?

The standard universal set of gates for Clifford computation is CNOT, H and S. Are there other options, in particular, gate sets that don't use the S gate? If yes, what are some examples?
Cairo's user avatar
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2 answers

Universality of adding gate to Cliffords without inverses

In this answer it is explained how adding any non-Clifford gate $G$ to the Clifford gate set gives a universal gate set. However, that defines the gate set as the group generated by $G$ and the ...
John's user avatar
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Why are IBM's basis gates not linearly independent?

IBM lists the basis gates for its Heron processor as $CZ,RZ(\theta),SX,X,I$. For clarity, these are the Controlled-Z, Z-rotation, sqrt(Pauli-X), Pauli-X, and identity gates respectively. My ...
thespaceman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to exactly compile Toffoli using H and CSWAP gates and ancilla qubits?

Question: Given controlled-SWAP (CSWAP) and Hadamard (H) gates, is it possible to exactly compile the Toffoli (CCX) gate? Note that I'm not looking for an encoded Toffoli gate. The answer should ...
Jonas Anderson's user avatar