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3 votes
3 answers

How can I move a C.NOT over a circuit

I am doing some Quantum Computing Exercises and I am curious on how you go from left to right in this picture... I see not only how the c-not moves but also a new bond between X gates in second and ...
Marcos Altarriba Roig's user avatar
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Explanation of the generalized SWAP test: the permutation test?

I am reading this paper on the state separability problem, and came across the term “Permutation Test.” This is on page 7 section 2.3. Apparently, the more famous SWAP test is a special case of ...
TwentyCents's user avatar
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pennylane:fidelity calculation after swap test between entagled states. Swap test issue

What I am trying to do is first take an image and encode it into quantum states, for this I have taken an image from the MNIST dataset and then reshaped it to (4,4) and now I wrote the following ...
Pratyush's user avatar
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How to compare 2 classical number using a quantum circuit

I'm given 2 numbers(could be positive/negative). I want to program a quantum circuit to compare them and return the greater one. How can I do that? Also, if the first step is encoding the numbers ...
quark epsi's user avatar