Questions tagged [stim]

For questions about Stim, the open source tool for high-performance simulation of quantum stabilizer circuits.

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Simulating erasures with stim

We're trying to simulate erasure errors on the surface code using Stim. The threshold for erasure errors on the data qubits (after initialization) is 50%. We followed the following post: How do I ...
MystMan's user avatar
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Stim error when measuring detectors

I am attempting to compute the circuit for the syndrome extraction of the [[144, 12, 12]] code using stim so as to consider circuit-level noise. Unfortunately, when trying to obtain the detector error ...
Antoni de Marti 's user avatar
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Stim and pickle/dill incompatibility

I have been using pickle (and also tried dill) to save and load Clifford gates coming from the Stim library. The following code: cliff_list = dill.load(filename) ...
mbejan's user avatar
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Stim: output decoded/predicted locations of Pauli errors

I created some Stim circuits to do circuit-level noise simulations of some Hyperbolic surface codes, and I was able to recover the thresholds in the literature. The detector error model is good at ...
edp23's user avatar
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ValueError: non-deterministic detectors while using Stim to simulate Toric code

I am trying to simulate Toric code using Stim. Below is my simple circuit specification in Stim: ...
Mohammad Alam's user avatar
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How do I perform an two-qubit erasure error in stim?

I try to simulate two-qubit erasure error by using CORRELATED_ERROR, ELSE_CORRELATED_ERROR, and an ancilla which is mentioned in How do I perform an erasure error in stim?. Then I simulate two-qubit ...
You Chang's user avatar
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Transversal CNOT implementation on stim

Re: a recent paper on the arXiv, Correlated decoding of logical algorithms with transversal gates ( As MWPM (pymatching and stim) cannot handle errors that flip more ...
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I am getting an error on STIM: An error case in a composite error exceeded that max supported number of symptoms (<=15)

I tried putting some ELSE_CORRELATED_ERROR on my custom made surface code circuit and I am getting this error while counting logical errors. What does it mean? And how can I fix it?
Omprakash Chandra's user avatar
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How to get parity check matrix from a circuit in stim

I am working on QECC and, differently from classical ECC where everything is generally described by the parity-check matrices, QECC generally involves the low-level description of the circuit instead, ...
yoyoc's user avatar
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Correctability of X, Y, and Z Errors in Quantum Surface Codes and Color Codes

In surface codes and color codes, when the code distance is $d$, you can correct up to $[(d-1)/2]$ Pauli errors. I would like to know what this $[(d-1)/2]$ Pauli errors means for $X$, $Y$, and $Z$. ...
david's user avatar
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Stim: Implementing lattice surgery

This is an understanding check more than an actual question. Implementing lattice surgery has already been discussed on the forum: How to implement lattice surgery in stim? -- I'm just trying to make ...
control freak's user avatar
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Modelling correlated measurement errors in Stim

Is there a way to model correlated measurement errors in Stim? I see we can implement correlated Pauli errors, but couldn't find anything for correlated measurement errors.
siddharth dangwal's user avatar
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Convert DetAnnotation in a loop with `stimcirq`

Is there any workaround to convert the DetAnnotation in a cirq repetition block to the detector in the stim repeat block? It ...
Inm's user avatar
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Stim + PyMatching Phenomenological and Circuit-Level Noise simulation seeing logical error rate of 0

I'm trying to simulate surface-like codes under phenomenological and circuit-level noise using stim with PyMatching for the decoding algorithm. I've constructed error correction circuits in stim ...
Itrus's user avatar
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Post-selection with FlipSimulator

I'd like to use Stim to simulate an error correction protocol that includes entanglement purification. I've seen this post, but I'd prefer not to do post-selection and instead keep in the purification ...
q_bert's user avatar
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How to use surface codes on a quantum circuit?

So far, I have used surface codes on Stim simulations only. The simulation is for a surface code and I want to understand how surface codes work when I comes to quantum circuit. How is this done for a ...
Avimita Chatterjee's user avatar
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Why does Stim/PyMatching evaluate the threshold error rate differently for even and odd distances?

For the toric code, the threshold error rate value for no measurement errors should be around $p_{th}\approx 0.109$. If simulated with even distances, one finds that this is true. However, when I ...
JoJo P's user avatar
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Commutation relationship and measurement results

There are things I do not understand about the following circuit, and I would appreciate it if you could explain. ...
david's user avatar
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Handling lots of data points in Sinter Graphing

Sinter is really awesome for streamlining my circuit runs. It was incredibly easy to set up and switch into, and it's very fast. The save_resume_filepath is a life ...
buzzword12's user avatar
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Differences in Simulating Syndrome Measurement Circuits with Prepared States : $|0_L \rangle$ vs $|0\rangle^{\otimes n}$

In the syndrome measurement circuit constructed using Stim, is there any difference between simulating with the data qubits prepared in the state $|0_L \rangle$ and simulating with data qubits ...
lan's user avatar
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Why does the qubit give random results in the circuit with rearranged CNOTs for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim?

The following is a part of the syndrome measurement circuit for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim(For ease of viewing, the TICK is omitted.). Since we are considering the detection of X errors, we use ...
lassel's user avatar
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How can I perform syndrome measurements for both X-type and Z-type stabilizers in Stim?

I would like to simulate the logical error rate of the surface code under depolarizing noise using Stim. The decoder I am using decodes from both X-type and Z-type stabilizer syndrome values. ...
lan's user avatar
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What is the Stim color_code:memory_xyz circuit executing?

In Stim's color_code:memory_xyz, the all data qubits are first initialized to the |0> state, then the Z-type stabilizer measurement circuit is executed, and ...
lan's user avatar
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How can I determine if the error correction by estimated error results in a logical error in circuit-level noise?

I am trying to simulate the logical error probability of color code under circuit-level noise. In the code capacity noise and the phenomenological noise, the Pauli errors to the data qubits that occur ...
lan's user avatar
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