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Questions tagged [stim]

For questions about Stim, the open source tool for high-performance simulation of quantum stabilizer circuits.

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Commutation relationship and measurement results

There are things I do not understand about the following circuit, and I would appreciate it if you could explain. ...
david's user avatar
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Inverted memory X and memory Z logical error rates for unrotated surface code in Stim?

The circuit which measures a Z-type stabilisers in the surface code is: whereas for X-type stabilisers it's: Both types of stabilisers are measured in a memory experiment in the inbuilt surface code ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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Handling lots of data points in Sinter Graphing

Sinter is really awesome for streamlining my circuit runs. It was incredibly easy to set up and switch into, and it's very fast. The save_resume_filepath is a life ...
buzzword12's user avatar
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Correctability of X, Y, and Z Errors in Quantum Surface Codes and Color Codes

In surface codes and color codes, when the code distance is $d$, you can correct up to $[(d-1)/2]$ Pauli errors. I would like to know what this $[(d-1)/2]$ Pauli errors means for $X$, $Y$, and $Z$. ...
david's user avatar
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Stim: Implementing lattice surgery

This is an understanding check more than an actual question. Implementing lattice surgery has already been discussed on the forum: How to implement lattice surgery in stim? -- I'm just trying to make ...
control freak's user avatar
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Sinter: save detection counts

Is there a way to extract all detection events (for each detector individually) that occur during a sinter.Task/sinter.collect ...
jchadwick's user avatar
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What's hook error in surface code?

this line of c++ in surface code generation says: // Define interaction orders so that hook errors run against the error grain instead of with it. So how does the interaction orders in surface code ...
Jiakai Wang's user avatar
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How to resolve ValueError: The circuit contains non-deterministic observables

I constructed a part of the syndrome measurement circuit as follows using Stim. However, when I run dem = circuit.detector_error_model() and ...
lan's user avatar
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Are there qiskit or stim examples of how to decode a subsystem code

I can manage decoding a stabilizer code in qiskit and stim. I'd like to try a subsystem code next. For a stabilizer code, all stabilizers commute so simultaneous measurement of these produces ...
unknown's user avatar
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Differences in Simulating Syndrome Measurement Circuits with Prepared States : $|0_L \rangle$ vs $|0\rangle^{\otimes n}$

In the syndrome measurement circuit constructed using Stim, is there any difference between simulating with the data qubits prepared in the state $|0_L \rangle$ and simulating with data qubits ...
lan's user avatar
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Modelling correlated measurement errors in Stim

Is there a way to model correlated measurement errors in Stim? I see we can implement correlated Pauli errors, but couldn't find anything for correlated measurement errors.
siddharth dangwal's user avatar
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Two-qubit depolarizing error convention in Stim

In the definition of two-qubit depolarizing error in Stim, it is defined that operations such as $IX, XX, YI$ (excluding $II$) act with a probability of p/15, while $II$ acts with a probability of 1-p....
lassel's user avatar
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Simulating multiple logical qubits with stim

I'll first state the things I'm trying to do and then summarize my questions: Since Stim takes a circuit-first approach, I think it should be possible to specify a Stim circuit that represents ...
control freak's user avatar
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Using Deterministic Errors in Stim Detector Circuit and decoding with Pymatching: X_ERROR(1) failing in PyMatching

the Question Is there a standard way to use deterministic errors (so, for instance, X_ERROR(1)) in Stim with PyMatching? Currently, sometimes if I use ...
bumble13's user avatar
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Why does the qubit give random results in the circuit with rearranged CNOTs for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim?

The following is a part of the syndrome measurement circuit for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim(For ease of viewing, the TICK is omitted.). Since we are considering the detection of X errors, we use ...
lassel's user avatar
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How to decompose errors given a DetectorErrorModel in Stim?

Suppose I'm presented with a detector error model (.dem) file that does not have its error mechanisms decomposed into edge-like error mechanisms (i.e. no ^'s appearing). Is there a way to apply the ...
squiggles's user avatar
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A Simple way of Encoding qubit in Stabilizer Codes with Stim

In Stim, is there a easy way to encode qubits into a code state $| 0_L \rangle$ in stabilizer codes, other than constructing an encoding quantum circuit? For example, in Steane's seven-qubit code, can ...
lassel's user avatar
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Number of rounds of stabilizer measurements for a memory experiment in a stabilizer code and how to calculate the logical error rate?

I'm using stim with pymatching to simulate a memory experiment in a stabilizer code and am wondering how necessary using $3d$ rounds of stabilizer measurements is rather than $d$ rounds and also how ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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How to sample multiple groups of stim circuits in parallel with stim on linux?

I am performing many repetitions of a memory experiment in a stabilizer code using sinter to take many samples of different stim circuits. I am following the example in sinter's README file on how to ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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How to implement lattice surgery in stim?

Is there a circuit in stim that performs lattice surgery? Was lattice surgery ever implemented in stim? I wonder how the relevant detectors will look like - especially in the initial and final rounds ...
Yaniv Kurman's user avatar
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Stim: Peek (or Extract) Circuit Pauli Frame

I am testing a fault tolerant error correction scheme for a quantum error correcting code in the following way: Construct my circuit (data and ancilla qubits) Perform a round of error correction (set ...
ababar's user avatar
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How can I perform syndrome measurements for both X-type and Z-type stabilizers in Stim?

I would like to simulate the logical error rate of the surface code under depolarizing noise using Stim. The decoder I am using decodes from both X-type and Z-type stabilizer syndrome values. ...
lan's user avatar
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Better way of using stim.TableauSimulator.measure_many to sample the code

I have a TableauSimulator initialised (which is a some 3D code) called TS. I am copying TS and then applying a set of Pauli Z-errors before using measure_many(*set_of_measured_qubits) to get syndromes ...
Q W's user avatar
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What is the Stim color_code:memory_xyz circuit executing?

In Stim's color_code:memory_xyz, the all data qubits are first initialized to the |0> state, then the Z-type stabilizer measurement circuit is executed, and ...
lan's user avatar
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Implementing circuits with post-selection in Stim

I want to use Stim to calculate logical error rates with circuits that involve post-selection on measurement outcomes. Is it possible to do so with Stim and if yes, how do I go about it? To provide ...
transistor's user avatar
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Is there a way to perform two simulations with the same noise in Stim?

I would like to calculate the logical error probabilities of surface codes under depolarizing noise using Stim. In doing so, if all data qubits are initialized to |0>, it is not possible to account ...
lan's user avatar
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How can I determine if the error correction by estimated error results in a logical error in circuit-level noise?

I am trying to simulate the logical error probability of color code under circuit-level noise. In the code capacity noise and the phenomenological noise, the Pauli errors to the data qubits that occur ...
lan's user avatar
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How can I extract actual Pauli error in Stim?

I am using a quantum circuit simulator "Stim" to simulate the logical error probability of color code under circuit-level noise. In the code capacity noise and the phenomenological noise, ...
lan's user avatar
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I was going through the example_honeycomb_circuit.stim code available on page 17 of I am curious about the rationale behind selecting the choice of rec[-k] for ...
Kishor Bharti's user avatar
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3 answers

Simulating stabilizer groups

Can any existing software be used (either directly or with a bit of persuading) to work with general stabilizer groups? From what I can see, tableau-based options like Stim and Qiskit can be used to ...
Alex Townsend-Teague's user avatar
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Simulating the surface code with stim: meaning of qubit coordinates

I would like to simulate the rotated surface code using stim for various code sizes. For my application, I would like to know where the stabilizers are located. What is the meaning of the coordinates ...
Moritz Lange's user avatar
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Can Stim and PyMatching analyze logical error rate of non-deterministic observable?

In Stim, logical observable has to be deterministic. To calculate the logical error rate, we compare the actual_observables sampled with stim circuit and ...
Jerry's user avatar
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Ground truth error corresponding to a particular sampling event

In stim we can use the .compile_detector_sampler().sample() to sample a detection event. However, there might be different ground truth errors that lead to the same detection event. Is there a way to ...
siddharth dangwal's user avatar
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Does Stim support classical-bit controlled gates?

Does Stim support classical-bit controlled gates? I want to apply a gate based on a certain measurement outcome, e.g. do Z^a on qubit B, where ...
Jerry's user avatar
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max_shots and max_errors to reduce uncerainty in threshold curves with sinter / stim?

thanks for all your answers so far! I'm wondering, what do max_shots and max_errors mean (as in the code below) when sampling from a stabiliser circuit to produce threshold curves using stim? Would ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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Functionality of I and x^sweep gates in the code from the surface code implementation by Google

In the code availability by Google and implemented using Stim, they use I and x^sweep gates which I can't understand their use. I suppose they are, somehow, used in the more sophisticated simulation ...
Unknown's user avatar
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What does each "detslice-with-ops-svg" plot mean?

I created a distance-3 square surface code circuit, and below is the 'timeline-svg' diagram. Since it would be easier to check where the detectors are detecting errors at each time slice, I use the '...
Jerry's user avatar
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It seems a failure to track back error mechanism from DEM to circuit faults

This question is related to Within Stim, how to trace back DEM error instructions to Stim circuit faults. I created a circuit of a distance-3 square surface code as you can see in the picture. The ...
Jerry's user avatar
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Does Stim support the Mølmer–Sørensen gate?

The Mølmer–Sørensen gate is a common ion trap gate. Does Stim support it? I tried MS 0 1 but it didn't work.
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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Stim's dem.diagram (detector error model diagram) not working for me?

I've copied these lines from Stim's Getting Started notebook: ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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Threshold value when simulating erasures with stim

Did anyone try to simulate erasures with stim and can tell me whether he achieved values that hold with the literature? I tried an unrotated surface code with erasures at the data qubits ...
Yaron Jarach's user avatar
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How is the match graph extracted from a stim.circuit.detector_error_model?

Let's say we have an error mechanism error(0.1) D7 D8 ^ D9 D10 ^ D13 D15. I understand that Stim is trying to decompose the complex errors into graphlike errors. It ...
Jerry's user avatar
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How does Stim's detector sampler work?

I'm just getting started with Stim (and hence working through its Getting Started Notebook) and am wondering how the detector sampler actually works. The notebook states A detector doesn't say ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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Circuit-based erasure simulation using stim

I want to simulate erasures in a surface code using stim, assuming that any gate on the data qubits can cause an erasure. If I induce erasure after each gate by the method described in How do I ...
Yaron Jarach's user avatar
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Using stim.TableauSimulator with python multiprocessing

I am trying to run some Monte-Carlo simulations whereby I have to call the TableauSimulator N times and use the measurement results to get an average. Is there any way to parallelise this loop? I am ...
Q W's user avatar
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Stim detector error model to syndrome graph

How can I convert a Stim detector error model into a networkx/rustworkx weighted graph representing the equivalent syndrome graph? I want it to test a possible method to introduce erasures in the high ...
Yaron Jarach's user avatar
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Stim: Surface code with manipulated data qubits

In stim, when we want to create surface code, we can simply do that: ...
quest's user avatar
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Converting $T_1$ and $T_2$ decay rates to noise supported by stim

Stim only supports Pauli noises like DEPOLARIZE1, DEPOLARIZE2, X_ERROR, ...
sl_'s user avatar
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stim : How to create a circuit like qiskit's c_if

In qikit, there is a circuit called c_if that feeds back to the quantum circuit according to the measured results.
kaluza19's user avatar
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is it possible to use STIM for non-clifford circuits?

I know STIM is for clifford gate circuits but I wonder if there is a way around this? Is it possible to use STIM for non clifford circuits? Do we have any example for it?
quest's user avatar
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