Questions tagged [stabilizer-state]

Stabilizer states are quantum states that can be efficiently represented by some set of Pauli operators of which the state is a +1 eigenstate. Stabilizer states are used commonly in many areas of quantum computation, such as error correction, teleportation and state verification.

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Computational basis absolute value coefficient of stabilizer state in STIM [duplicate]

Given a stabilizer state $|\psi\rangle$, I write it in the computational basis $|\psi\rangle = \sum_{n=0}^{2^N-1} c_n |n\rangle$. I was wondering if there is a way to compute the exact $|c_n|^2 = \...
archxrk's user avatar
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How to Use Stim for Noisy Simulation with Adaptive Circuit and Noise Tracking?

I am trying to learn stim to simulate noisy quantum circuits. My goal is to construct an adaptive circuit in which I can add quantum gates one by one and observe the changes in the circuit's check ...
iknownothing's user avatar
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What information about the logical state does one obtain from the stabilizers?

Consider the initialization of a surface code into $\vert 0\rangle_L$. This is done by initializing all the data qubits into $\vert 0\rangle$ respectively and then turning on the $XXXX$ and $ZZZZ$ ...
user1936752's user avatar
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How do I sample from a stim Tableau's stabilizer state?

(Copied from [In stim], is there any way to directly generate the samples starting from a tableau and not a circuit? I understand that the standard way ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
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Is it always possible to write the state corresponding to a set of stabilizer generators?

Given a set of stabilizer generators, is it always possible to write down the state corresponding to it? Is there a way to write down the quantum state corresponding to a stabilizer generator?
Dotman's user avatar
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Toffoli gate not included in the normalizer group

While reviewing the stabilizer formalism in Nielsen and Chuang, I could not understand why the Toffoli and the $\frac{\pi}{8}$ cannot be described as normalizers, even though they map Pauli group ...
Amazon Forrest's user avatar
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Do stabilizer operations map stabilizer states to stabilizer states?

Stabilizer operations comprised of stabiliser state preparations, Clifford gates, Pauli measurements, classical randomness and conditioning. Does stabilizer operations map stabilizer states to ...
Michael.Andy's user avatar
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On difference in the number of two-qubit stabilizer states that are separable (36) vs those that are maximally entangled (24) and partial entanglement

We have a set of two-qubit stabilizer states. There are 60 of them: 36 separable and 24 maximally entangled (MES). I was wondering whether we can somehow compare the size of the set of partially ...
Sutasu's user avatar
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Is there a proof that any pure two-qubit Partially entangled state lies somewhere in between a separable and maximally entangled state?

Intuitively this seems true, but is there a proof of the following: We have two-qubit pure state. Given a Partially entangled state (PES) $|P\rangle$ we can always find a separable state $|S\rangle$, ...
Sutasu's user avatar
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Finding all small stabilizer codes

Given some choice of parameters $ [[n,k,d]] $ with $ n $ small, is there any computationally easy way to find all of (or at least many of) the stabilizer codes with those parameters? For certain ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Given a set of stabilizers, what is an efficient way to compute the logical states and logical operators?

Suppose I have $n$ qubits and I specify $n - k$ independent stabilizer generators. I have defined a Hilbert space with $k$ logical qubits. Moreover, there exist $2k$ operators that obey the Pauli ...
user1936752's user avatar
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Equivalent definition of distance for nondegenerate code

Let $ \mathcal{C} $ be a nondegenerate quantum code. Is it true that $ \mathcal{C} $ has distance $ d $ if and only if $ d $ is the minimum nonzero weight of an error that preserves the codespace? For ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Why do stabilizer cut the Hilbert space into two halves?

I am trying to follow the logic of Slide 8 in this deck. The result is that if you have $n-k$ stabilizers in the set of stabilizers, then the dimension of the +1 eigenspace of all the stabilizers is $...
user1936752's user avatar
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Why does the Stinespring dilation of stabilizer operations have the form $\mathcal{E}(\rho) = tr_E(U \rho \otimes \rho_E U^\dagger)$?

Why does the Stinespring dilation of a stabilizer operation have the form $\mathcal{E}(\rho) = tr_E(U \rho \otimes \rho_E U^\dagger)$ where $U$ is a Clifford unitary and $\rho_E$ is a stabilizer state?...
Si Chen's user avatar
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Unitary equivalent stabilizer codes

The trivial stabilizer code is defined by $$T=\{|0\rangle^{\otimes(n-k)}\otimes|\Psi\rangle:|\Psi\rangle\in(\mathbb{C}^{2})^{k}\}\tag{1}$$ which is stabilized by the Pauli operators $Z_1, ...., Z_{n-k}...
Star21's user avatar
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how to go from a stabilizer state to a graph

A comment (by Marcus Heinrich) in a previous post says : "any stabiliser state is locally Clifford equivalent to a graph state and vice versa". I can go from a graph (defined by its ...
unknown's user avatar
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lattice surgery in state picture

I was following Surface code quantum computing by lattice surgery. A few questions about this paper have been asked in this forum, but I believe my question is new. The main text took a 'state picture'...
quTANum's user avatar
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The standard form of a CSS code is CSS?

I suspect that if the standard form of a code is $$H = \begin{pmatrix} H_X & 0 \\ 0 & H_Z \end{pmatrix}~, \quad(1)$$ then I can claim that the code is CSS. They way I'm thinking about ...
Jan Olle's user avatar
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tricks to finding possible stabilisers for $|GHZ_{3} \rangle$

The famous 3 - qubit Greenberger, Horne and Zeilinger state: $|GHZ_{3} \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[|000\rangle + |111\rangle]$. A stabiliser for $|GHZ_{3} \rangle$ is the 3 - tensor product X Pauli ...
Physkid's user avatar
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Are there non trivial two-party stabilizers in bipartite entanglement for product states?

In this recent paper where the authors discuss finite classification of entanglement types, on pg. 29 in appendix A, it is claimed that in bipartite entanglement for product state $|00\rangle$ there ...
Sanjana's user avatar
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Why are global phases neglected in the check matrix representation of stabilizers?

In the check matrix representation of stabilizers, one does not care about the global phase. Now why is that? As far as I understand if I have a quantum computation, it can be computationally more ...
Lagrange's user avatar
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Recovering phases in $2n$-bit binary representation of n-qubit Paulis

I am currently going through a paper discussing Pauli sampling strategies for VQE: I want to code and test their strategy. They explain how to create a circuit ...
Saturnin's user avatar
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Gottesman-Knill theorem -- last measurement step

In the Gottesman-Knill theorem, the stabilizer set is updated after each Clifford gate. These steps are quite simple. At the end, the measurement is simulated. In some on-line explanations, I have ...
JMark's user avatar
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How to write a Stabilizer state in terms of sum of Pauli strings?

I'm reading the paper which introduces a method to characterize the Pauli noise channel. In eq(5) the authors state that the stabilizer state can be written as the following form $$ \left|\phi_e^{\...
Sherlock's user avatar
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Stabilizer States - Calculating measurement probabilities with the rank of the stabilizer table's X-block

Consider a $n$-Qubit stabilizer state $\rho = \ket{\psi}\bra{\psi}$ and its $n \times 2n$ boolean stabilizer tableau. Any Stabilizer State can be expressed as an equally weighted superposition $$ \ket{...
Coryn7's user avatar
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Why does the qubit give random results in the circuit with rearranged CNOTs for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim?

The following is a part of the syndrome measurement circuit for Steane's seven qubit code in Stim(For ease of viewing, the TICK is omitted.). Since we are considering the detection of X errors, we use ...
lassel's user avatar
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Stabilizer Matrices for Mutually Unbiased Bases - what goes wrong here?

In section VIII D of this paper, the authors describe a circuit synthesis procedure to find the unitary transformation (as a quantum circuit) which diagonalizes a set of mutually commuting pauli ...
Juri V's user avatar
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Destructive measurement surface code: parity interpretation

In the surface code the logical $Z_L$ operator is measured destructively at the end with the following procedure: Measure all data qubits in the $Z$ basis with outcome $D_i \in \{\pm 1\}$ Compute ...
jerol's user avatar
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Simulating stabilizer groups

Can any existing software be used (either directly or with a bit of persuading) to work with general stabilizer groups? From what I can see, tableau-based options like Stim and Qiskit can be used to ...
Yossarian's user avatar
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Efficiently finding an explicit presentation for $N(S)/S$, for any stabilizer group $S$

Let $P_n$ denote the $n$-qubit Pauli group. This has presentation $P_n = \langle iI, X_1, \ldots, X_n, Z_1, \ldots, Z_n \rangle$. Suppose we have a stabilizer group $S = \langle s_1, \ldots, s_k \...
Yossarian's user avatar
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Does Gottesman-Knill theorem apply with any computational basis input?

On Wikipedia, the Gottesman-Knill theorem is said to state the following: A quantum circuit using only the following elements can be simulated efficiently on a classical computer. Preparation of ...
trillianhaze's user avatar
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Applying a single-qubit Pauli measurement to 3 or more pure non-orthogonal $n$-qubit stabilizer states

Given 3 (or more) pure non-orthogonal $n$-qubit stabilizer states where the number of qubits $n \ge 2$, say $|\psi_1\rangle,|\psi_2\rangle,|\psi_3\rangle$, define $|\nu\rangle\langle \nu |$ as a ...
Si Chen's user avatar
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Example of code where codewords cannot be stabilizer states

Are there any known examples of $ ((n,K,d)) $ codes with $ d \geq 2 $ for which it is not possible to find a basis of codewords that are stabilizer states? A code word stabilized (CWS) code is defined ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Fidelity concentration bound for random stabilizer states

Let $|\Phi\rangle$ be a normalized vector in $\mathbb{C}^d$ and let $|\psi\rangle$ be a random stabilizer state. I am trying to compute the quantity $$\mathsf{Pr}\big[|\langle \Phi|\psi \rangle|^2 \...
BlackHat18's user avatar
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Codes with codewords that aren't uniform modulus superposition

All stabilizer codes and also all non stabilizer codes that I am aware of, for example the ones here, Example non-stabilizer code? have a basis of codewords which are all uniform modulus ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Stabilizer State - efficient calculation of measurement probabilities - Qiskit

I would like to calculate the probability of measuring some state $U\rho U^\dagger$ in the basis state $b \in (0,1)^{\otimes n}$, i.e. $<b|U\rho U^\dagger|b>$. Now, according to Gottesmann and ...
Coryn7's user avatar
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Stabilizer witness for entanglement detection

I am studying on entanglement detection applying stabilizer operators. In page 4 of this paper ,"for the detection of $N$-qubit entanglement we have to make ...
Star21's user avatar
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How to get the density matrix from a stabilizer table in qiskit

I am new to qiskit and quantum computing in general, so bear with me please. For my bachelor's thesis, I am programming qiskit to first generate a random Clifford circuit (qc) and to then measure the ...
Coryn7's user avatar
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How are classical shadows stored efficiently?

The paper states that classical shadows can be stored efficiently by stabilizer formalism. But I'm confused what information is stored? I can't tell the efficiency come from. In the paper,the ...
LinZaisheng's user avatar
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Non-magic non-stabilizer multi-qubit states

Does anyone know of any resources that show examples of simple multi-qubit states which are non-stabilizer states but that are still classically efficiently stimulable? Another way to phrase it is ...
sheesymcdeezy's user avatar
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Printing Stabilizer State of a circuit using Cirq

How to print the stabilizers for a given circuit using Cirq (just like in Qiskit)? For example, if I have the following cluster state and make a circuit using Cirq. I give the circuit as input, and I ...
Siddharth Sethi's user avatar
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How to use stabilizers to simulate the circuit?

Sorry for this easy questions. That is a simple textbook question but I don't know how to solve it. I have the following circuit: The question was "use stabilizers to simulate the circuit" ...
quest's user avatar
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Are there non-stabilizer multi-qubit states that are easy to simulate?

The Gottesman-Knill theorem states that the following process is efficiently simulatable on a classical computer: start of with a set of qubits in a computational basis apply any amount of $H, S$ and ...
sheesymcdeezy's user avatar
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Exact Probabilities of Outcomes for Clifford Circuits with Mid-Circuit Measurements Using Stim

I am trying to find the exact probabilities of specific measurement outcomes for Clifford circuits with mid-circuit measurements. Essentially, I am looking for a function that takes an arbitrary ...
user206444's user avatar
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How to write the state associated to a family of stabilizers

The answer is probably obvious but I am missing something. Let's say I have a quantum state $|\psi \rangle$ on $n$ qubits stabilized by $n$ Pauli operators $\{g_1,...,g_n\}$. My question is: How can I ...
Marco Fellous-Asiani's user avatar
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Gottesman Knill theorem - why $O(n)$ operations for **arbitrary** *unitary* gates

My question is closely related to this one but the answer focused mainly on measurements while my question is for unitary Clifford operations: why do we need $O(n)$ operations to update a quantum ...
Marco Fellous-Asiani's user avatar
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The construction of every element of the Clifford group using H,S and CNOT circuits

I am trying to understand the following theorem: Every element $U\in C_n$ of the Clifford group can be constructed using $H, S, CNOT$ gates. In Nielsen and Chuang's book this is left as an exercise (...
Gadi A's user avatar
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Group of commuting Pauli matrices doesn't permit synthesis

I am working on learning grouped measurement and I began by reading this paper by a group out of UChicago showing a method for the synthesis of circuits for the grouped measurement of a set of ...
Cuhrazatee's user avatar
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Is there a way to use stabilizer formalism for non-computational basis input states?

In Nielsen and Chuang, exercise 10.42 is to use stabilizers to prove the teleportation circuit works as claimed. It has a footnote that it only works given a restricted class of inputs (it doesn't ...
Dax Fohl's user avatar
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Quantum algorithm for hidden subgroup problems: question on cosets

We have a group $G$ and a function $f$ which hides a subgroup $H$, and we want to find $H$. The quantum algorithm for solving the problem involves the use of two registers, initially at $\left|0,0\...
Doriano Brogioli's user avatar