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What are examples of zero capacity quantum channels with Choi rank less than $d$?

All the currently known examples of quantum channels with zero quantum capacity are either PPT or anti-degradable. These notions can be conveniently defined in terms of the Choi matrix of the given ...
mathwizard's user avatar
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Why does entanglement not increase the classical capacity of a channel?

In a recent paper, the authors quote an older work of Bennett, Shor and others and make the following statement While entanglement assistance can increase achievable rates for classical point-to-...
user1936752's user avatar
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Advances in Quantum Channel Capacity

I have been reading about the Quantum Channel Capacity and it seems to be an open problem to find such capacity in general. Quantum capacity is the highest rate at which quantum information can be ...
Josu Etxezarreta Martinez's user avatar