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Transpilation error: CircuitError: 'The amount of qubit(0)/clbit(0) arguments does not match the gate expectation (2).'

I am trying to implement a algoritm that reduces the number of qubits required for MAXCUT optimization. I need to create a custom gate that encodes a diagonal unitary matrix where the diagonal ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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"Session has been closed" Error in solving Maxcut problem by QAOA

I am trying to run this code- same way as they mentioned. After running this code, my qiskit Dashboard show 10-12 ...
Maths_hawk's user avatar
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How to interpret result for an OR problem solved in Qiskit

I solved "01 KnapSack problem" in Qiskit optimization module. Though the iterations doesn't gets converged but I got an answer (may be infeasible). But my question is that how to interpret ...
Maths_hawk's user avatar
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Where does this upper bound relating the $T$ count and $H$ count come from?

I am reading this paper on optimisation of the Hadamard gate count (Optimal Hadamard Gate count for Clifford + $T$ synthesis of Pauli rotations sequences). The idea of the paper is to optimise the ...
Callum's user avatar
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Complexity of $n$-Toffoli with phase difference

I'm interested in the $n$-Toffoli gates with phase differences. I found a quadratic technique in section 7.2 of this paper. Here's the front page of the paper. Here's an image of the section that I'm ...
Minh Pham's user avatar
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Measurement on a specific basis and proof of circuit output

I am trying to understand a proof from Practical optimization for hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. In particular, I need clarifications on how do you perform the measurement on a different basis ...
Enrico's user avatar
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In quantum adiabatic simulation, is the $s$ in $(1-\frac{s}{T})H_{in}+\frac{s}{T} H_{cl}$ related to the $t$ in $e^{-iHt}$?

I just want to do a whole adiabatic calculation on quantum circuit. To prepare two Hamiltonian of $H_{initial}$ and $H_{classical}$ and solve $H_{classical}$ using adiabatic calc like quantum ...
yumin's user avatar
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Quantum Circuit Optimization with Machine Learning [closed]

I read some paper about Quantum Circuit Optimization but I am on a low level. And have some experience in ML. But what I don't understand is it possible that ML can help to optimize Quantum Circuits ...
Jeff24's user avatar
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Implementing a circuit that returns $|01\rangle$ and $|10\rangle$ with equal probability

Using Python how can I implement a quantum circuit that returns $|01\rangle$ or $|10\rangle$ using only $CX$, $RX$ and $RY$ gates, starting with random parametric gates as parameters and optimizing it ...
Rahman Turtle's user avatar
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Applying Group Leaders Optimization to Quantum Belief Systems

Context: I am particularly interested in quantum cognition & would like to use a tool like pyZX to perform the following types of optimizations. In Preparing a (quantum) belief system they "...
user820789's user avatar
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Understanding the Group Leaders Optimization Algorithm

Context: I have been trying to understand the genetic algorithm discussed in the paper Decomposition of unitary matrices for finding quantum circuits: Application to molecular Hamiltonians (Daskin &...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar