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How to use Qiskit translation pass manager with Clifford + T gate basis?

Context In qiskit, the translation stage of the transpilation "translates (or unrolls) the gates specified in a circuit to the native basis gates of a specified backend." (cf doc) For that, ...
alxthm's user avatar
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Operation 'sx' is not defined for this system

Any one knows how to resolve the below error:Operation 'sx' is not defined for this system. The below code works really well with ...
Manu's user avatar
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Periodic electric field link operator in QuSpin

I am trying to implement a truncated bosonic Hilbert space as described in Eqs. (15) and (16) of this paper on simulating the Schwinger model. However, I am unable to implement the "periodic ...
brayn's user avatar
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What is the difference between `HighLevelSynthesis` and `UnrollCustomDefinitions` qiskit transpilation passes?

The doc for UnrollCustomDefinitions indicates : ...
alxthm's user avatar
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Simple successor gate

I want to create a gate that, given a sequence of qbits that encode n, transforms that sequence in n+1, in other words the successor function. I managed to do it in qiskit by writing this: ...
ThePirate42's user avatar
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I have trouble using the alternatives for some commands in older versions of qiskit

I have a code that calculates the transition amplitute between and using the ZZFeatureMap with 4 repetitions and default data mapping function. Use the qasm_simulator with shots = 8192, seed_simulator ...
Ege Tunç's user avatar
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Custom Feature Map Error for VQR in Qiskit 'Input data has incorrect shape, last dimension is not equal to the number of inputs'

I am trying to use a VQR for solving a regression problem. My data has 5 features, I want to use 4 features to estimate 5th one. I made it work with ZFeatureMap but now I want to create my own feature ...
Butterworth's user avatar
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why does this get DAGCircuitError?

When I run the simple circuit that just does multi-controlled rotation I had the error: "DAGCircuitError: 'bit mapping invalid: expected 4, got 1'". It seems the error occurs when a ...
taketoshi kinoshita's user avatar
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How to get historical calibration data for mthree (M3) from IBM Quantum devices?

I'm using mthree in Batch mode. A batch needs to be queued before it can be executed. The time when a batch was executed can be obtained from the IBM Quantum Platform site, so I would like to obtain ...
Y T's user avatar
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-4 votes
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What if oscillation-based computing is the generalization of quantum computing? [closed]

This question contains both engineering perspectives and science perspectives. Here is my definition about oscillation-based computing: Oscillation-based computing is the computation where the input ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Comparing Qiskit gates with numpy functions

I am trying to understand how Qiskit's gates work by comparing the outputs of a simple circuit with numpy matrix algebra. If I start with two qubits and apply a rotation gate to each of them, I get: <...
Medulla Oblongata's user avatar
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Fastest method to find any single error for a given stabilizer set and given syndrome

I am working on trellis structures of stabilizer codes, where I construct a trellis for a given set of stabilizer generators and a given syndrome. I want to find any arbitrary error out of all the ...
Enigma's user avatar
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Migrate Algorithm using latest IBM Qiskit SKD (v1.2.4) for Python

I am looking for an implementation of an algorithm using the IBM Qiskit SDK for Python. I know that there is an implementation for Qiskit v0.x but I am missing an implementation for the current/latest ...
Tom's user avatar
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Actual execution time on real hardware

I am trying to calculate the actual execution time on real HW. We have access for IBMQ systems. What I am thinking is that to find the actual execution time on real HW so that we can know whether our ...
Manu's user avatar
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How to learn mathematics and physics for quantum computing

I am currently pursuing my bachelor's in computer science (AI). I am very passionate and curious about quantum technologies, particularly quantum information theory, and quantum computing, and I want ...
Pavan Kumar's user avatar
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Quantum register for variable store - how to encode operations?

Suppose I have a lot of classic variables of a certain number of bits in size, say, 8 bits. Instead of starting each variable from zero in superposition, I want to use the exponential space to encode ...
Adam Miller's user avatar
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The number of qubits of the ansatz does not match the operator

I am trying to run my below code on FakeSherbrooke() system, but I am getting an error as shown below: ...
Manu's user avatar
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Discarding a Quantum register to extract kernel matrix in practical quantum computer

Question: How to extract a kernel matrix from a quantum state on a real quantum computer through discarding a register? I am trying to understand the paper "Quantum Support Vector Machine for Big ...
tra sh's user avatar
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Where are quantum register operations defined?

Suppose I have three registers of many qubits, $$x, y, r$$ I want to define a quantum gate mapping the sum of $x$ and $y$ to $r$, or more generally from any operation over $x$ and $y$ to $r$. The ...
Adam Miller's user avatar
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QPE implementation with 4 qubits

I'm trying to implement a circuit for QPE, i start with 4 qubits but the results are incorrect (even for 3 or 5 qubits). the used unitary gate is : ...
Coper's user avatar
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Usage of custom passes during transpilation

I am reading a lot about custom passes in the qiskit like ...
Manu's user avatar
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Cannot Find referance DeutschJozsa in

I am new to quantum computing and Python. I tried to make a quantum simulation with qiskit, but I have some import issues that I can't solve, and I decided to ask it here. I tried to import ...
1ntelultra's user avatar
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How to generate random quantum states in matlab?

I was wondering if there is some academic standard/any way of generating random n times n q-states/density matrices in Matlab without using any other package then QETLAB.
Pink Elephants's user avatar
-2 votes
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No module named qiskit-algorithm

I want to try the quantum computing simulator, but when I try to import the Algorithm, the Qiskit shows an error. For your information, I am currently running Qiskit using Google Colab. This is the ...
user32329's user avatar
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How to download historical calibration data from IBM quantum devices?

I want to download the data tables from either the current QPUs or the previous ones (that have fewer qubits) from IBMQuantum. However, when I try to look at answers like Is there an archive of IBMQ ...
question_boi's user avatar
-5 votes
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qml.device error

I am having an error when calling the device: ...
user22759089's user avatar
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RuntimeJobFailureError: 'Unable to retrieve job result. Error code 1520; The instruction cost per qubit exceeds the system limit

I want to find two operands of multiplication result of 180. In another word, finding integer factors of 180. I'm using ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Simple QisKit circuit seems to return incorrect statevector?

I have below a very simple circuit that initializes 2 qubits, and then saves the statevector. I cannot figure out why the simulator returns a vector of all 0's for the statevector. I'm using an older ...
makansij's user avatar
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optimizing the circuit depth of a quantum circuit while using Fake Hardware

I am trying to search some ways in qiskit==1.0 to reduce the circuit depth while using Fake HW. What I understand is that changing the optimization level to 3 will ...
Manu's user avatar
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Probable bug in DumpMachine() Quantum API function of Microsoft Quantum Platform

According to help from Microsoft Learn, the binding of Qubit[] array to its equivalent ket vector representation is such that the qubit with index 0 becomes the ...
Hamid Reza Ebrahimi's user avatar
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How to simulate a beam splitter in QuTiP?

I'm trying to mix two states on a beam splitter whose unitary operator is $$\hat{U}=e^{i\theta \left( \hat{a}^†\hat{b} + \hat{a}\hat{b}^† \right)},$$ where $\hat{a}$, $\hat{b}$ are annihilation ...
Jakub Kouřil's user avatar
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Is mcsolve from QuTiP Optimal for Solving Large Systems in the Lindblad Master Equation?

I am transitioning from using Mathematica to Python for my work on quantum systems, specifically focusing on solving the Lindblad Master Equation. For this purpose, I've started using the mcsolve ...
Eduardo Soares's user avatar
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Why does quantum circuit need to be run even though the probability is already in the formula?

In classical computing, it's clear by intuition why we need to run a program code to check whether a large odd integer number is prime or not. It can be computed manually for such large number, but of ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Noisy expectation value of non-Pauli observable in qiskit

I would like to calculate an expectation value of a general operator in a noisy simulation with qiskit. The usual way of doing this is via an Estimatorwith a noise ...
a_member's user avatar
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Can quantum computers eventually be programmed "normally"?

They tell us that eventually quantum computers will break all current encryption methods. On the other hand, current quantum computers are programmed at a very low, mathematical level and for very ...
ManoG1234609's user avatar
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How to program Grover's Operator?

I understand the theory behind Grover's operator but I still am unsure how to code it. I have a quantum circuit with 13 qubits. Could someone please tell me step by step the code to use for Grover's ...
Colin Benaissa's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior of trapped ion's motional mode (phonon) heating simulation

I'm a novice at qutip simulation. I was recently trying to use qutip to simulate the heating effect of a trapped ion by defining a jump operator defined with heating rate. Below is the code of my ...
Kyungmin Kim's user avatar
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How does amplitude amplification work (in Grover's Algorithm) and does this code for it work?

I understand amplitude amplification at a high level: operations and gates are applied to the qubits such that the solution states amplitude is raised while the non-solution states are lowered. ...
Colin Benaissa's user avatar
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To output syndrome measurement results

May I ask you a question about the following? GitHub - Infleqtion/qLDPC: Tools for constructing and analyzing quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes. In the above code, is there any code that ...
kaluza19's user avatar
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Transpilation error: CircuitError: 'The amount of qubit(0)/clbit(0) arguments does not match the gate expectation (2).'

I am trying to implement a algoritm that reduces the number of qubits required for MAXCUT optimization. I need to create a custom gate that encodes a diagonal unitary matrix where the diagonal ...
Guillermo's user avatar
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Uniformly sampling a random 3 qubit clifford gate

I try to uniformly sample 3 qubit clifford gates and apply them to my circuit. I'm using python language. I'm following this paper (Supplementary Materials 1....
Hui's user avatar
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Applying 2-qubit noise to a multi qubit system using local operations in Python

I am trying to create a simulation of 2-qubit dephasing noise that acts on the first two qubits of a multi qubit system. I would like to do this locally rather than expanding my kraus operators into $...
Asa Gauntlett's user avatar
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eigenstate is missing in the solution of vqe.compute_minimum_eigenvalue API in qiskit==1.0

I am using an API result= vqe.compute_minimum_eigenvalue using different version of qiskit. The qiskit==0.46 gives ...
Manu's user avatar
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Getting negative probabilities in the count result

I am struggling with a very basic concept. What exactly is the negative probability means in count result? When I run a circuit without error mitigation and with error mitigation using a really great ...
Manu's user avatar
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Substitute for QuantumInstance in latest qiskit==1.0

I have a old version of qiskit==0.46 code which uses the below syntax: ...
Manu's user avatar
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qiskit.exceptions.QiskitError: 'Invalid input data for Pauli.'

I have some old version qiskit==0.46 code which uses an API as below: ...
Manu's user avatar
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Using statevector in latest version of qiskit==1.0

I am trying to use migrate my code from old version of qiskit to the latest version qiskit==1.0 for the statevector. ...
Manu's user avatar
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qiskit.providers.basic_provider.exceptions.BasicProviderError: 'basic_simulator encountered unrecognized operation "ucry"'

I need some help in running circuit on qiskit==1.0 simulator. The documents says: ...
Manu's user avatar
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AttributeError: Options field max_parallel_threads is not valid for this backend

I am working on migrating my code to the latest version of qiskit==1.0. Below is a part of my code: ...
Manu's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'QuantumCircuit' object has no attribute 'ucry'. Did you mean: 'cry'?

I am trying to update my code to latest version of qiskit==1.1.1 Earlier we used to have a gate called as qc.ucry, but now I am ...
Manu's user avatar
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