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Measurement on a specific basis and proof of circuit output

I am trying to understand a proof from Practical optimization for hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. In particular, I need clarifications on how do you perform the measurement on a different basis ...
Enrico's user avatar
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Action of below circuit using heisenberg representation

Can someone please explain how the above gate affects logical operators? My understanding is that the circle indicates that we are measuring the second qubit? My initial guess is that it is equivalent ...
am567's user avatar
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How can I measure qutrits in the X basis using cirq?

I attempted to create a custom measurement class which, in my case, allows us to go from the z basis to x basis using a hadamard gate transformation, and then we measure wrt that new basis. However, ...
Son100's user avatar
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Commutation relationship and measurement results

There are things I do not understand about the following circuit, and I would appreciate it if you could explain. ...
david's user avatar
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