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How to simulate a beam splitter in QuTiP?

I'm trying to mix two states on a beam splitter whose unitary operator is $$\hat{U}=e^{i\theta \left( \hat{a}^†\hat{b} + \hat{a}\hat{b}^† \right)},$$ where $\hat{a}$, $\hat{b}$ are annihilation ...
Jakub Kouřil's user avatar
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Is mcsolve from QuTiP Optimal for Solving Large Systems in the Lindblad Master Equation?

I am transitioning from using Mathematica to Python for my work on quantum systems, specifically focusing on solving the Lindblad Master Equation. For this purpose, I've started using the mcsolve ...
Eduardo Soares's user avatar
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Unexpected behavior of trapped ion's motional mode (phonon) heating simulation

I'm a novice at qutip simulation. I was recently trying to use qutip to simulate the heating effect of a trapped ion by defining a jump operator defined with heating rate. Below is the code of my ...
Kyungmin Kim's user avatar
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Cosine of an operator (a+a.dag()).cosm() in Qutip does not work as it should

As mentioned in the title, the .cosm() method in QuTip fails to give the correct evolution under the Hamiltonian. I am trying to define the Hamiltonian of a non-linear LCJ circuit as follows: ...
SlothForeva's user avatar
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Particle number expectation value in QuTip

I am learning now to use QuTiP by going through their documentation site. I am trying to understand what does the argument - particle number expectation value in thermal density matrix do? How does it ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
3 votes
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Python package for quantum computations based on symbolic variables

I am searching for a quantum package in Python that can enable me to calculate, for example, a density matrix symbolically and display the results in variable form rather than numerically. I am aware ...
physicino's user avatar
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QuTiP ptrace function results do not recreate original composite system

I have a qutip density matrix fullsystem for a system composed of two quantum systems with ...
Bebotron's user avatar
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How to use parameters in QuTiP?

I am working with QuTiP to do some calculations based on my proposed Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian of my system has some coupling constants that show the strength of coupling between matter and light(...
Navid Elyasi's user avatar
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Is there a Qutip equivalent of "expand_operator" for superoperators?

I want to calculate a superoperator for a small noisy subsystem consisting of $k$ qubits, and expand it to $n > k$ qubits, where the remaining $n-k$ qubits are not subject to any noise. ...
JoJo P's user avatar
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Eigenstates differ between Qutip and Quspin

I am currently trying to adapt a code working well with Qutip to Quspin to optimize it. I managed to create what I believe are the same systems with both libraries, but I don't get the same ...
sebastien finor's user avatar
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anyone know how to solve the error plz? [closed]

juhaina's user avatar
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QuTip newbie need to understand .reshape()

I am a quantum physics researcher but till now I have been using Mathematica symbolic language for solving quantum problems. I wanted to develop numerical skills as well so I just started to learn ...
SlothForeva's user avatar
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How to check the jmat operators on Qutip?

I'm trying to reproduce this Qobject form Qutip but, I'm using the Jmat ...
PCat27's user avatar
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Operating Hamiltonian on discrete variable state [closed]

I have a hamiltonian consisting of combinations of a and a(dragger). i need to act this on discrete variable state like |0,0,0,1> and so on. Is there any library to do these kinds of operations?
INDRANIL MAITI's user avatar
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Generating and executing large Pauli rotations in Python

I am interested in generating collective Pauli X, Y and Z spin operators for the purpose of rotating $2^N$ dimensional state vectors $|\psi\rangle$ (in the computational basis) for a quantum protocol. ...
John Doe's user avatar
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qutip.sesolve and qutip.optimize_pulse_unitary produce different results

I'm currently trying out some things with qutip in the field of optimal control (state-to-state transfer) and have some trouble to reproduce my results from the optimization process with sesolve. My ...
SphericalApproximator's user avatar
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QuTIP tensor products

I am referring to the QuTIP package To describe a system of 3 atoms in the ground state, I can crate the wavefunction: tensor( basis(2,0), basis(2,0), basis(2,0) ) Now suppose that ...
Halo's user avatar
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Qutip choi_to_kraus and to_kraus functions are not returning list of Kraus representation

I am trying to find my kraus representation from my process matrix. Suppose that, I have these process matrix: ...
quest's user avatar
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QuTip - Is there a way to simulate more than one inital state in one simulation?

I'm trying to use QuTip for a simulation of a qutrit system and I want to see how my system evolves under different initial states. Is there a way to do it using QuTip without running the simulation ...
user19367's user avatar
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QuTip: How to multiply symbol with matrix

I am trying to multiply a symbol with a matrix which is defined by QuTip quantum object, but I got this error: TypeError: Incompatible object for multiplication I ...
Rana M.Al-Marshedy's user avatar
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QuTiP VS RK45: Which one gives the correct results for time-dependent systems?

I am writing a code for a quantum thermal machine which includes both coherent and dissipative time evolutions in its different stages of operation. However, evolving the system with "mesolve&...
Ali Pedram's user avatar
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How can extract reduced dynamics of a bipartite system from unitary evolution in quite

Let us assume that I have a bipartite system $A\otimes B$ and an initial product state undergoing some evolution $H^{AB} = H^A+H^B+V^{AB}$, which is time independent. I want to simulate the reduced ...
raskolnikov's user avatar
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How to solve non-"cross-damping off" Linblad equation in QuTiP?

As I understand from the official QuTiP guidlines, it is only capable of solving "cross-damping off" Master Equation in form: $\dot{\rho(t)} = -\dfrac{i}{\hbar}[H(t),\rho(t)] + \sum\limits_n\...
mesolver's user avatar
5 votes
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Python shorthand for tensor product (Kronecker product)

When using numpy or tensorflow in Python, we can simply write C = A @ B for matrix ...
Neo's user avatar
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Writing the Jaynes-Cumming model in QuTip

I want to write the Jaynes-Cumming Hamiltonian in QuTip. $$H = \hbar \omega_{C} a^\dagger a + \frac12 \hbar \omega_{a} \sigma_{z} + \hbar \lambda (\sigma_{+} a + \sigma_{-} a^\dagger)$$ I assume $\...
sbp's user avatar
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Trying to simulate Weak Value Amplification using QuTiP

Weak Value Amplification is a procedure in which one consider a bipartite Hamiltonian of the form $H = g A \otimes B$, where $A$ is called system, $B$ is called meter and $g$ is the extremely small ...
FearlessVirgo's user avatar
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Defining dimension of an operator in qutip

My main question: Can someone please explain to me how the list of array is used to define the dimension in qutip? Context: If I have my density operator ...
Gem's user avatar
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Find orthogonal state for random 7 qubit state

I have a system that generates a random 7 qubit state and I need a method to always find the orthogonal state. I'm currently using python and qutip for this, representing this 7 qubit state by a 128-...
Nillmer's user avatar
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Using entropy_mutual function in QuTiP

I am trying to calculate mutual entropies using QuTiP, but I am being unsuccessful so far. More specifically, I consider a 2^n x 2^n matrix representing the density operator of a n-qubit bipartite ...
EmFed's user avatar
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Numerical methods for finding an eigen basis of a degenerate Liouvillian

I'm trying to find the steady-state of a master equation, $$\dot{\rho}(t) = \mathcal{L}\rho(t),\tag{1}\label{1}$$ In the form where we vectorise the density matrix and matrixify (??) the Liouvillian ...
Custal's user avatar
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Strange Behaviour of MeSolve, McSolve

I'm using Qutip to plot some basic two level dynamics using hamiltonians with a temporal envelope defined as the sum of two error functions, designed to make it more representative of experimental ...
Rick Bonne's user avatar
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Can't plot points on the Bloch sphere (QuTip)

I have the really odd problem when it comes to plotting Bloch spheres using QuTip. Plotting state vectors works perfectly fine e.g. ...
Turbotanten's user avatar
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How to define initial state $\rvert \Psi(0) \rangle \equiv \rvert 1, -1 \rangle \otimes \rvert 0 \rangle_{\text{cav}} $ of a system in QuTiP?

Say, we have a $\require{mhchem}\ce{^87Rb}$ atom having an electric dipole transition on the $D_{1}$ line and we have two hyperfine ground states, one on $F = 1$ and one on $F = 2$ level. So, we take ...
Mun's user avatar
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Modifying GRAPE for open quantum systems

This question requires the knowledge of GRAPE. More info can be found here and in this short presentation. I have tried to modify the grape_unitary() function in also to accommodate open ...
Tejas Shetty's user avatar
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How to add states on the Bloch sphere from a master equation?

Can you please help me to find an answer to this question: I am using qutip for the study of quantum systems. suppose I have calculated the solution of the master equation using the ...
Jack's user avatar
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Plotting Bloch sphere in QuTiP

Is there anyone who reproduced the Bloch sphere given in the paper QuTiP: An open-source Python framework for the dynamics of open quantum systems by J. R. Johansson, P. D. Nation, Franco Nori? I am ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to prepare a statistical mixture of $|0,0\rangle $ and $ |1,1\rangle $ in QuTiP?

A QuTiP novice here. It's easy to prepare a pure state in QuTiP. For example, to prepare $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0,0\rangle + |1,1\rangle)$: ...
triclope's user avatar
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Drawing tangent vectors to the Bloch sphere with qutip

I need to plot drawings of qubit dynamics on the Bloch sphere. I know QuTip allows to do such drawings but I specifically need to represent evolution velocities on the Bloch sphere so I need to draw ...
MrRobot's user avatar
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Measuring qubits in QuTiP

How can you measure qubits in QuTiP? As far as I have seen you can define a Hamiltonian and let it evolve in time. It is also possible to define a quantum circuit, however, measuring and running it ...
nippon's user avatar
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