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How does it work QasmSimulator with the option "density matrix"?

I am making some simulations on IBM Quantum Lab and as backend I tried to use QasmSimulator(method = "density_matrix") in order to simulate noise. I wanted to know how this method works in ...
Natale Matranga's user avatar
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How to perform lattice surgery with initial state $|0\rangle+|1\rangle$, with qasm?

I am trying to perform a lattice surgery. Initial state is $|0\rangle+|1\rangle$ and when I perform a smooth merge and split, I think I get $|00\rangle+|11\rangle$ but it doesn't work. Is there ...
kaluza19's user avatar
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How can I get the results from simulating noise models?

I'm trying to run some simulations of my quantum circuits using qasm simulator. I first tried to import the noise data from a quantum device and then use that information on qasm. Here's part of my ...
ZR-'s user avatar
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Why do I get the error 'IBMQManagedResultDataNotAvailable'?

I'm trying to use IBMQ job manager to submit a list of quantum circuits (300 of them in total) to 'ibmq_16_melbourne'. This is what the job status looks like on IBM Quantum Experience: I don't know ...
ZR-'s user avatar
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QE error: No handlers could be found for logger

When I run a QASM program on a QE simulator, I get this error. No handlers could be found for logger "IBMQuantumExperience.IBMQuantumExperience" What ...
qenovice's user avatar