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Questions tagged [openfermion]

For questions related to OpenFermion python library for studying quantum algorithms related to fermionic systems such as those arising in quantum chemistry.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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OpenFermion to Qiskit

Is there a direct way to go from an object generated in OpenFermion to objects usable in Qiskit? I can't find anything about any plugin. It's not too hard to translate into pyQuil and then to Qiskit ...
Andrew Jackson's user avatar
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Difference between Qiskit and Openfermion two body integrals

I am struggling with understanding the differences between OpenFermion and Qiskit libraries when it comes to Molecular Data, two body integrals. For example, I am working with the following ...
Eugen's user avatar
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"Wn state" in Bravyi-Kitaev encoding

For a particular simulation, I need the initial (physical) state of the QC to represent the equal superposition of all single-occupancy fermionic second-quantized states. In Jordan-Wigner encoding, I ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Reproducing Hydrogen Molecule Hamiltonian in OpenFermion

I am learning quantum chemistry at the moment and I'm trying to understand the Hamiltonian generated by the OpenFermion package. I'm now stuck at understanding how openfermion calculates the ...
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What operators preserve antisymmetry?

I would like to understand better what kind of operators maintain antisymmetry as explained in Quantum simulation of chemistry with sublinear scaling in basis size: Evolution under the Hamiltonian ...
Pablo's user avatar
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How to rewrite this Cirq problem into Qiskit?

I have a following example problem in Cirq, representing a very simple operator given by $$ \hat{H} = a^\dagger_0a_2 + a_0a^\dagger_1 + 0.9\, a^\dagger_0a_1a^\dagger_2a^\dagger_3 + a^\...
Eenoku's user avatar
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Fermions to Qubits mapping in Qiskit

I am currently studying the mathematical aspects of fermion-to-qubit mapping available in Qiskit here. While I am interested in understanding the underlying transformation, I am having trouble ...
user3116936's user avatar
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Questions about OpenFermion

I have some questions about OpenFermion. I'm exploring the code, does anybody knows how to implement triatomic molecules like Li-H2? How should I set the number of orbitals? Last but not least, once ...
Piero Naldesi's user avatar
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Molecular Docking using Quantum Computing

I would like to ask if somebody could suggest me a pair of ligand-Protein which had been validated and the corresponding resulting drug is already being used commercially. I am interested in ...
QuantumNeeraj's user avatar