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In Qiskit, is it possible to simulate a Rabi oscillation at the Circuit level through NoiseModel?

With NoiseModel in Qiskit we can add damping terms, for example through thermal_relaxation_error. I'd like to know if there is a way to simulate Rabi oscillation at ...
Roberto Moretti's user avatar
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How to apply circuit cutting to MCX gates?

I am working on a quantum version of a fuzzy controller ( This inference engine is implemented with a quantum circuit composed of X and MCX gates as in ...
Davvvd's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Error when tryng to import quantum aer noise

I have been trying to implement noise reducer in aer simulator in my code. This is the line of code for import: ...
user32329's user avatar
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Error Mitigation in Dynamic Quantum Circuits: Alternatives to Dynamical Decoupling?

"I have a regular quantum circuit (i.e., not a dynamic one), let's call it qc. When I run it on a real quantum computer without using dynamical decoupling, the result is poor. However, when I ...
ali khosravi's user avatar
2 votes
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How to estimate noisy expectation value in limit of infinite shots?

I suspect this is an obvious question, but it has proven surprisingly elusive! Suppose I have a quantum circuit, as well as a pre-defined initial state. After performing this circuit, I evaluate an ...
Graham Van Goffrier's user avatar
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How to implement frequencies (drive,measuring) and temperature in a qiskit Noise Model?

Im trying to build a qiskit Noise Model but the NoiseModel() class does not admit temperature, frequencies or measuring time. I thought about using the pulse ...
0 votes
1 answer

Manualy setting 'id' operation error probability in GenericBackendV2 doesn't work

I am trying to alter the noise probability for 'id' operation in GenericBackendV2. This is my code: ...
Mohamed Elsheikh's user avatar
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How to perform noisy simulation of qiskit fake backends?

I have qiskit fake backends present in qiskit ibm runtime, If I run the circuit directly on the backend is it noisy simulation, or should I use qiskit Aersimulator and then perform noisy simulation ...
Vishnu Vardhan's user avatar
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Customed quantum channel definition with Qiskit

According to this manual, the noise models can be implemente to a specific set of gates given by the user. However, is there a way to implement a noise source acting at a specified time, rather than ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Is this quantum circuit design more prone to noise?

I am designing a quantum circuit which uses one qubit as the control of many $\text{CSWAP}$ operations. And then, this qubit will be measured. Will the result be more prone to noise since all the ...
Deren  Liu's user avatar
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VQLS behaves badly under simulation with noise

I was studying VQLS in and since I could not understand the circuit created by the new Hadamard test (...
MrEightL's user avatar
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How to model the IBM quantum errors?

I'm conducting a study of the quantum channel errors, and a question has arisen: Is it possible to model the errors of an IBM quantum computer with Kraus operators?
Leandro Matheus Morais da Silv's user avatar
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Using Noise Model of a real hardware on qiskit simulators

I am trying to understand how to use the noise model of real hardware. Below is the part of the code I have written with the help of sample codes from these links:
Manu's user avatar
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Qiskit Noisy simulator sample code or documentation

I have to run some quantum circuits on Noisy simulator of qiskit? I tried searching some noisy simulator of qiskit but could not find anything. It would be great if someone can direct me to a qiskit ...
Manu's user avatar
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Completeness relation of kraus operators not satisfied in Fake backends

With the following code ...
stopper's user avatar
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Improve accuracy of fake backends while remaining realistic

If I run the code backend = FakeLima() nm = NoiseModel.from_backend(backend) print(nm.__dict__.keys()) I get the following output: ...
stopper's user avatar
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Qiskit noisy FakeManila simulator + ZNE

I am trying to run a simple VQE calculation on H2 using FakeManila noise model and ZNE for error mitigation; see code below. The problem is that I can never reach not even close the ground electronic ...
Carlos Murilo Romero Rocha's user avatar
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Is there a way to implement a noisy CNOT gate using CUGate in Qiskit

Wondering if there's a way to implement the noisy version of CNOT (or CX) gate via CUGate using qiskit library for a given fidelity p?
codeit's user avatar
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Most efficient way to calculate an expectation value of a noisy model in Qiskit

I want to classically simulate quantum circuits with noise. This noise can be a custom one (noise.NoiseModel()) or a fake quantum computer (...
stopper's user avatar
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How can one obtain all calibration data which is needed to plot error_map of the ibm backend from few month ago?

I want to plot the error map of an IBM Quantum backend from the calibration data I saved a month ago. The saved file just contain qubit properties and to plot error map I would need all information ...
Shil S's user avatar
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How can visualise the old error map of Ibm backend if one save the calibration data of the backend at that time?

I have the calibration data of an Ibm backend and now I want to plot the error map of the device at that specific time. How can I do this?
Shil S's user avatar
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How to manipulate thermal relaxation noise in Qiskit model?

I am trying to experiment with various values of T1 and T2 parameters in thermal relaxation noise. ...
bisarch's user avatar
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Impact of various kinds of noise on calculation of operator's expectation value

I am trying to calculate the expectation value of an operator Op on Qiskit's simulator with noise present. I am trying to study the impact of various kinds of ...
bisarch's user avatar
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What does adding depolarizing error on a Hadamard gate mean mathematically?

I have a quantum circuit as the following picture. Now I add the depolarizing error on the Hadamard gate using the following code in Qiskit. ...
Michael.Andy's user avatar
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Is it possible to get access to the old noise model from a few months ago for Ibmq backends?

I performed an experiment on a real Ibmq backend, and the results were satisfactory. I now require the simulation of that experiment. The simulation is not sufficiently consistent with the old ...
Shil S's user avatar
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Zero noise extrapolation for error mitigation: Meaning of rescaled density matrix, specifically when there is no local hamiltonian evolution

I have a few questions regarding dynamics rescaling for zero noise extrapolation. In the paper Error mitigation for short-depth quantum circuits, in equation (30), they write We redefine $T \...
lost forgotten pearl's user avatar
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How to get a noisy density matrix after partial measurements in Qiskit

I'm trying to study the effect of noise on a quantum system with partial measurements using Qiskit. Suppose I have $N + M$ qubits and I run a quantum circuit and measure $M$ of them. I want to know ...
Germ's user avatar
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Is it possible to use fake backends to run Qiskit Runtime primitives?

I have the following code to run an Estimator primitive by using Qiskit Runtime. It computes the expectation value $\langle O \rangle = \langle \psi | O | \psi \...
SimoneGasperini's user avatar
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noise and classical bits (measurements ) in qiskit

I am using qiskit and LocalNoisePass to add custom noise to the gates. But there is a problem when there are classical bits in the circuits. The localNoisePass give this error ...
vr85's user avatar
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Why my noise model acts different on my VQE circuit compared to a simple circuit

I have created a noise model which uses depolarizing error and I add it using the add to all qubits quantum error command. I also use readout error and add that using the add to all qubits readoute ...
Steve Golleger's user avatar
4 votes
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How to import noise model from IBM qiskit real device?

I am trying to import the noise model of an IBM 'large' device. I don't have access to the devices with more than 7 qubits so it doesn't allow me to import the backend and then do ...
josetomas's user avatar
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Apply a single-qubit channel between in between two circuits in Qiskit

Suppose, you have two parts of a circuit in Qiskit, qc1 and qc2 on any number of qubits such that the entire circuit is given by ...
Marsl's user avatar
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What is an instruction when we `add_all_qubit_quantum_error`?

I'm trying to understand how the noise model works in Qiskit Aer noise simulator. From this information page, add_all_qubit_quantum_error() has two required ...
IGY's user avatar
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Creating a plot of groundstate energy (for a set distance) against noise

I am trying to create a plot of groundstate energy against noise like mentioned in the title. I do this in the aim of finding some sort of correlation between the two meaning I can find what the ...
Steve Golleger's user avatar
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Adding controllable noise to VQE to find ground state energy

I am wanting to add noise to my code which uses VQE to find ground state energy for LiH at various inter atomic distances. The code I am wanting to add to is the code found from the qiskit text book. ...
Steve Golleger's user avatar
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Building a realistic noise model in Qiskit

I am trying to build a realistic noise model in Qiskit for a quantum computer that might be available 2-3 few years from now on. I tried to start from an existing noise model generated from a fake ...
Radu M.'s user avatar
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How does it work QasmSimulator with the option "density matrix"?

I am making some simulations on IBM Quantum Lab and as backend I tried to use QasmSimulator(method = "density_matrix") in order to simulate noise. I wanted to know how this method works in ...
Natale Matranga's user avatar
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Copying a reduced noise model from an IBM device

I need to use the noise model coming from a large IBM device. Nonetheless, I do not need to use the whole Noise Model. I only need the information of let's say qubits [10:15] and [20:25]. That would ...
Ramón Guerrero's user avatar
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How to calculate the average fidelity of Pauli error channel

This question is related to this and this. I am working on Qiskit to design QEC schemes. My model works with Pauli errors. I would like to give to my Pauli error channel probabilities $p_x,p_y,p_z$ ...
Daniele Cuomo's user avatar
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Adding Calibration Data For Noise Model

I am building a custom noise model using Qiskit's NoiseModel class. I want to incorporate full range of calibration data, say for 7 qubit machine. I am not sure how to incorporate calibration features ...
user9043261's user avatar
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Does Qasm Simulator add noise by default?

I am wondering if Qiskit QasmSimulator adds noise by default or not. I am asking because I have 2 circuits: circuit 1: computes cosine similarity between two vectors circuit 2: computes cosine ...
Yousef Zook's user avatar
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Does qiskit_ionq have the possibility of simulating quantum circuits with noise?

I'm using qiskit_ionq API for simulating quantum circuits on ionq devices. Currently, I'm using the ionq_simulator backend, but I think it performs noiseless ...
Roberto Schiattarella's user avatar
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Noise model correspondence to qiskit implementation for $CNOT$ gate

My question especially relates to the CNOT because I'd like to carefully understand how Qiskit simulate a CNOT model. Specifically, from my understanding, two independent qubits are affected by a ...
Daniele Cuomo's user avatar
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Readout Error in Qiskit: What is a reasonable model?

The Readout Error in Qiskit is described here: Although it is easy to obtain such an error for 1-qubit for IBMs ...
Marion's user avatar
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Implementing Readout Error in my circuit seems to have no effect whatsoever

I am trying to perform a simulation using Qasm in order to see how the readout error actually affects my circuit. The circuit I am implementing is a trivial one, the three qubit one that implements ...
Marion's user avatar
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Fail to add amplitude damping error to NoiseModel

I am reading a book named Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience authored by Robert Loredo. When I tried to run the code on Chapter 11, I followed the instruction and wroted ...
Ye Ning's user avatar
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Error Model on id gate, is not giving any error

I am trying to play with NoiseModel of qiskit, and I noticed that error on id gate is not giving any error results, while error ...
Ron Cohen's user avatar
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Bias in the results of superposition measurements on IBMQ Backends, qiskit

Dear people on this forum, I was doing some research, and I created this circuit in qiskit Please bear in mind that I am really new to this field, and I do not retain much knowledge yet. Therefore I ...
Mattia's user avatar
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Simulators vs Real Backends

I am using Qiskit to run some circuits and a question arises in my mind. I know that when we run in the simulators we are running in "ideal" environments. This means there is no noise that ...
aivare's user avatar
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How to differientate the noise functions in qiskit?

In Qiskit, there are many different Quantum Error Functions. From my understanding, pauli_error represents the error rate of $X, Y, Z$ independently, and ...
peachnuts's user avatar
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